I think that was more, "the people who feel / believe there's cause for concern / reason to make rules changes haven't yet presented their causes, and until such time as they do, what is this thread doing? A whole lot of nothing, don't take it too seriously."
my only interjection at this point that i feel won't immediately get Obtuse Wobbling, as is prior precedent, is this: saying that addressing concerns with the safety of current policy, official or otherwise, is Bad and Inconsiderate because it 'says the efforts we tried to put in place never mattered' is fucked up. full stop. if we feel your previous measures were negligent and not enough that is why we are saying something, and we're not going to not address safety issues just to spare people's feelings about having potentially made an environment unsafe. or MUH ANXIETY about the idea of the environment still being unsafe, for that matter. that's fucked. this shit is why i don't touch kintsugi rp with a ten foot pole other than with my boyfriend, and not even that anymore. anyway, my two cents, carry on.
so what do you propose as an option beyond make a subforum, make a new tag, have people content warn the threads then? Honest question seeing as you're one of the people who seems to be bothered by how things currently are!
I'm curious; do you think that minors are unaware that people actually do this? As far as I'm concerned, the only reason that could be yikes is if you think this is news to the minors, particularly since I don't know of a non-FTB instance of this on the site. Are we to determine whether characters are involved in an overage/underage sexual relationship by: 1) the standards of the in-universe game culture, and if so, which one, or the one in which the characters happen to be at that moment? 2) the standards of the place in which the players live (which is going to get confusing since they're all in different countries)? Does this only apply to actual chronological age, or are we taking into account that a Transformer who is 20 might not be sexually mature, whereas there are force-grown clones in WT who are six years old* that look like 30 year old men?
not proposing anything else, although personally i'd like to say i would appreciate a dedicated subforum. just saying that that particular shit that keeps cropping up in these discussions is horrifically fucked up and needs to stop pronto, and that this is a good deal of why people who were already concerned react with Screaming Nope and it escalates. not getting into the discussion otherwise because it has been entirely pointless in the past. wobbling: making enforcement of boundaries, consent, etc about your feelings and how Hard it is to follow boundaries and how Bad it makes you feel to either be expected to follow them or to have fucked it up.
@cryptoThelematrix Don't ping people who tapped out please. I know you might not have read that far yet, but going forward. There is a guide to removing pings from quotes that I can link if you need. Thank you.
The dedicated subforum has been more or less okay'd as far as I know, at least so far. I think most of the people are currently still mostly confused as to where the boundary of nsfw/sfw is especially considering that the fade-to-black technique has been called into question. Thanks for oyur contribution! :)
Because, I think people deserve to be able to say 'this makes me uncomfortable' and be respected. But I don't think being uncomfortable should mean you get to enforce other people stopping doing whatever made you uncomfortable. And it upsets that that point of view is being painted as That's goddamn fucked up, Moogle. You know? My feelings aren't the be all and end all but neither are yours. I want an apology, even though I don't think I'll get one.
i don't have long before i have to start work so i'm not going to reread the entire thread again to find your posts right now, but if you have said 'addressing this is bad because the idea of the measures i was using/fine with being unsafe makes me feel bad' or 'this is bad to discuss because it makes me anxious' then yes. i have seen at least three other people do this so far.
If "Hey, maybe don't write stuff saying adults having sex with kids is great and normal and stick it in a RP minors are reading and playing in" makes you an anti, then I guess I need to change my URL to, idk, "dora-the-explorer-against-maps" or something.
Keltaka! They (I think? Oops sorry, correct me if I'm wrong) aren't feeling up to answering questions right now!
this isn't about my feelings, this is about what's a fucked up approach to use on discussing potential safety issues. also, you are correct.