OCD/Virginity/Self Esteem Issues

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by qualapec, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. qualapec

    qualapec Active Member

    Hey so, I've got a bit going on. ADHD, GAD, and OCD to start. I'm also a Sapphian/Lesbian (I've had a long and interesting sexuality journey).

    I'm also almost 24 and I'm panicking bc I haven't had sex yet. I'm worried I get father and farther away from it happening every year--like I'm rapidly aging. I have gray hairs (my mom started going gray in her 20s, and I got my first gray hair at 18). I feel like, because I came out late and grew up in a household that was Really Weird about sex/ultimately very repressive, I lost my chance to develop in a "normal" way. Again, I know "normal" is in quotation marks for a reason, but whenever I think about it, I feel terrible. Like I'm less of everything I should be because I haven't had sex yet. I also don't know how to start relationships in any way but a very direct, honest way ("Hey! I really want to lose my virginity") but that also doesn't fly... I feel lonely and frustrated and undesireable.

    (That being said: I also know I'm not a giant asshole who is entitled to anyone's time or body. Because that would be shitty. However, it also means I feel hugely undesirable).
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016
  2. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    I don't have any advice, I'm afraid. But hi, I relate
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