Pokémon Mansion Journals (currently: crossed animals send help)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Hisuian Typhlosion, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade


    ALSO FACTOR V POSITIVE FUCK (basically knew this one bc my whole family has it but still)
  2. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I forgot I could name myself Typhlosion on Hisui island. Like, duh! I might reset again anyway because I’m not too fond of the jock starter villager I got, but Cherry came back and she’s my favorite!
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  3. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I did in fact restart again, and got Quinn and Teddy. Both acceptable villagers imo. Quinn is very pretty in game that I didn’t get from her amiibo picture and Teddy just looks soft.

    My island is wide enough in the starting area I could put the homes side by side too, so I’m already a leg up in the terraforming issue.

    Hope my smug villager is random gen’d to someone not terrible. I’d have to hit him with a net if he is. :hussiedance:
  4. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Under contract for a house that we got undervalue for the neighborhood. Seller is leaving us some nice furniture as well.

    it is almost 2,000sqft of living space! On a 6,000+sqft lot! I’m gonna have chickens! :)
    • Winner x 1
  5. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Haven’t updated in a bit, mostly been stressed about the home/work is kind of stupid and adding to the stress.

    I looked it up and basically informed myself that I already paid too much in taxes so I updated my W-4 to withhold federal tax. Probably a nice chunk of money going back to me per paycheck maybe?
  6. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Assuming nothing goes wrong: house on the 26th. I’ll hear back hopefully this week about what’s Basically a promotion (to me).

    marriage next year

    still in crossed animals heck. With villagers I kind of like? Still waiting on my smug villager, I hope I don’t hate him!
    • Winner x 1
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