Pokémon Mansion Journals (currently: death by body rioting)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Hisuian Typhlosion, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

  2. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Been having an adverse side effect to one of my meds (dry flaky skin on my forehead and one cheek especially, I’ve been prone to dry skin but this is exacerbated flakiness)

    and I thought it wasn’t as bad today, and I had my fingers in my scarf to keep it from choking my neck while still being on me

    and a patient had to come up and tell me “if you stop touching your face it’ll heal faster”

    so that kicked my self esteem in the tuchas, because I wasn’t touching my face and the flare up isn’t on the side my dominant hand is on, so that wasn’t even the area of concern.

    in the moment I curtly told her it was a side effect of medication, and she said “oh. I wonder why my face is red, then,” probably as a way to take her foot out of her mouth

    but after the event subsided I’ve been feeling sad since. Boyfriend called me beautiful but my brain squigglies have told me he’s obligated to say that

    • Witnessed x 1
  3. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Boyfriend got me crochet hooks and a pack of nice yarn for Christmas so I’m going to learn to crochet finally!!!!
    • Winner x 5
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  4. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I’m reading up on what makes San Francisco sourdough so unique to other sourdough varieties, and it makes me nostalgic for home. My boyfriend will never understand that simple joy of getting fresh baked sourdough off the wharf, or eating Dungeness crab fresh from the catch of the day (though we live in a state where you can, we’re too far inland to go to the bay easily).

    If it weren’t so expensive I would urge him to think about moving us to the coast (I go in for work, he works from home. He would be the sole income earner if we moved out of the city). I miss the oceans and the forest and the haunt of the fog.
  5. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Negative degree weather yaaay

    (sarcasm yaaay)
  6. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    If anyone lives on the West Coast USA (Oregon dni sorry boyfriend’s job doesn’t like it), where would you say would be an affordable good place to live?

    I already have my rabid thoughts of what Home is, and he would like to live close to the Washington-Oregon border to take advantage of the cool No Sales Tax of Oregon while also not living there because aforementioned fuck Oregon campaign that his job apparently has, but my idea of Home is unrealistically expensive and we would have to survive on just one income for a while because I don’t get the luxury of an at-home job while he does.

    Aberdeen apparently sucks. I wouldn’t know but I trust his judgement?
  7. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I try to have Executive Function but that bastard known as burnout rips me from my task every time.

    I’ve got all of a corner of my living room cleaned and I’m having a hard time motivating myself to get back up and clean the second corner.
    • Witnessed x 1
  8. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Slipped on black ice on the sidewalk and got a concussion. Happened at work so it’s an L&I claim. Have to take minimum ten days off work. Not happy. Opposite of that actually. Devil may angry.
    • Witnessed x 4
  9. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    My boss: do you want to save six hours of PTO and work on Saturday?
    Me: yeah sure
    Weather: yeah I bet you wanna save PTO. Bitch

    oh well, I get to work on my crochet soon at least? Does anyone have baby beginner level patterns I wonder…
  10. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    APF extended to 2/5

    what am I supposed to do for money?

    coworker/friend immediately said feet pics. Boyfriend offered to loan me. I can’t do plasma/blood donation because I took avodart within the last 6mo and that’s what’s ruining my face.

    morally in a lose/lose situation here, it’s criminal.
  11. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Making pork fried in a leftover soup, hopefully I don’t mess it up. Currently waiting for the pork to thaw. If I knew how long I was going to be at urgent care I would have left it to thaw before I left my house. Such is life!
  12. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Tomorrow I’m going to babysit a friend’s lil guy because she has no PTO and he threw up at school so he can’t go back for 24hrs (he’s not sick, he ate play doh, but their response to sick-like actions is to keep them away until it’s confirmed not a contagious illness)

    Luckily he’s an easy kid to deal with but and so I won’t be too out of it despite the residual concussion issues like headache and muscle pain but oof 10 hours tho
  13. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    My dad apparently wants to get in touch with me. I don’t know why.

    I can’t assume it’s for any selfless reason. He’s probably dying from his heart giving out. I can’t expect him to wait ten years after kicking me out of his house to only want to make amends on a whim. He has no money to sway me, his medical debt was so high he had to declare bankruptcy. The person he’s contacting to try and get to me is telling me to let bygones be bygones, but I have no love to give to that man. I barely know him. He was in my life for only a year.
    • Witnessed x 2
    • Agree x 1
  14. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Me: hey fyi need work accommodations I can’t job 10hrs a day four days a week. It’s actually going to kill me. Get me an extra day out of the week for two hours less in the morning sound good?
    Boss: no were short staffed
    Me, now trying to math out how we’d be “short” if they’re literally getting my attention for an extra day more than they usually do: um.
    My boss’s x4 superior: no it’s fine just put in a note to HR to get the accommodations approved. We need to take care of you.
    HR: denied because your boss says you’re short staffed
    Me: Um.
    Boss’s 4x superior, realizing I have a very good lawsuit on my hands: OH HAHA WOW THAT WAS FUNNY MISCOMMUNICATION. anyway it’s approved sorry about that I don’t know how that happened
    • Witnessed x 2
  15. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    My boss isn’t a good guy, if anyone can tell. He sent. A Septic patient to the walk in clinic instead of the fucking ER once and I don’t know how that got managed.
    • Witnessed x 3
  16. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I played with a cavity bad enough to touch an expose nerve and caused such sharp pain it carried into the next day. Between that and the concussion headaches I said fuck it and called out of work today. Not fun because tomorrow was supposed to be my day off and I was going to wake up early to clean the house and into town for chores, but…I guess having today off when it’s miserable and wet outside isn’t so bad.
    • Witnessed x 1
  17. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Took a couple days off to have a four day weekend! So that was fun. Thinking I should convince my boyfriend to get walking shoes with me and we start to hike/bike short trails. He wants to hike, I’m out of shape and could use it. I miss biking, too. Would be interesting.

    There’s a bike shop near my apartment, I could look at something reasonably priced there maybe? Still need to get shoes that are suitable, though. All my current ones aren’t great for long distance.
  18. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Did I mention I got engaged

    I got engaged

    we just (mostly) finished cleaning out his old apartment. There’s maybe 20 min of work left but that can wait until tomorrow. Today was the last power cleaning day.

    Tonight: turkey tetrazzini, vegging out and maybe a minute of cleaning the cat room so fiancé doesn’t wheeze from cat allergies. I’m all personed out, I’m going to need a couple hours of animal crossing or something to re-people myself. Maybe a nap? I know it’s already end of the day today but that’s the feeling.
    • Winner x 4
  19. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Congratulations on your engagement!
  20. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    For the last month I was hardcore playing Animal Crossing and I realized I needed to reset, as that is the unfortunate life of someone with zero design skill. I made some bad financial choices for my villager house placement and instead of terraforming to fix it I reset.

    I am stuck in the throes of decision paralysis, though. What do I name myself? What about my island? I have no idea!!
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