Pokémon Mansion Journals (currently: death by body rioting)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by Hisuian Typhlosion, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade


    ALSO FACTOR V POSITIVE FUCK (basically knew this one bc my whole family has it but still)
  2. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I forgot I could name myself Typhlosion on Hisui island. Like, duh! I might reset again anyway because I’m not too fond of the jock starter villager I got, but Cherry came back and she’s my favorite!
    • Like x 1
  3. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    I did in fact restart again, and got Quinn and Teddy. Both acceptable villagers imo. Quinn is very pretty in game that I didn’t get from her amiibo picture and Teddy just looks soft.

    My island is wide enough in the starting area I could put the homes side by side too, so I’m already a leg up in the terraforming issue.

    Hope my smug villager is random gen’d to someone not terrible. I’d have to hit him with a net if he is. :hussiedance:
  4. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Under contract for a house that we got undervalue for the neighborhood. Seller is leaving us some nice furniture as well.

    it is almost 2,000sqft of living space! On a 6,000+sqft lot! I’m gonna have chickens! :)
    • Winner x 1
  5. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Haven’t updated in a bit, mostly been stressed about the home/work is kind of stupid and adding to the stress.

    I looked it up and basically informed myself that I already paid too much in taxes so I updated my W-4 to withhold federal tax. Probably a nice chunk of money going back to me per paycheck maybe?
  6. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Assuming nothing goes wrong: house on the 26th. I’ll hear back hopefully this week about what’s Basically a promotion (to me).

    marriage next year

    still in crossed animals heck. With villagers I kind of like? Still waiting on my smug villager, I hope I don’t hate him!
    • Winner x 1
  7. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Been a whole mess of a month for various reasons but the end result is we have the house!

    It is, very unfortunately for us because of work, absolutely filthy. Like the old owners hadn’t cleaned in a year. It’s all maintenance, nothing extremely bad except the radon mitigation we need to pay for, but that’s easily fixed with some nice connections and a mother in law who is paying attention to her son now that he has a chance of giving her a grandkid (lol).

    Found out my coworker is my next door neighbor. I said, “so it’s you I have to steal the pears from,” and she, while gesturing to the very heavily fruiting (but neglected) tree, said “it’s dead because I have two chaotic kids and don’t have time to care for it.” I’m going to prove her wrong and make her pear butter from that tree.

    My poor fiancé spent four hours only vacuuming. And we have to vacuum again today (after work because I took a Saturday shift to help the clinic). And then a rug doctor. And then maybe vacuuming some more. Then there’s the wood that needs to be oiled and dusted and the laminate kitchen floor is yellow from age and I have to figure out costs for a chimney sweep because we also have a fireplace and it’s soon winter and…

    It’s my home.
    • Winner x 3
  8. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    No less than 6 hours (collectively) of vacuuming and I’m still pulling up dirt from the carpets. These people never actually cleaned. Like clean cleaned. Sure there’s less dust than if they didn’t clean at all (on counters) but there’s actual stain tracks from where they walked where their couch was to the kitchen and on the side where the beds would have been. The rug doctor we rented has been pulling up gunk too.

    I wish I could afford a Sebo E3 vacuum, because that’s supposed to be amazing with combination pet and allergy and carpeting. I can at best get a K turbo which addresses similarly to carpet but isn’t as great with allergens like dander and pollen.
  9. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Why did I get jumpscared by an identical hospital bill for a service that came before the service bill I paid off already? Why is that, hospital? Why did you sent a bill for the 20th of January a few days ago, after you sent and had me pay off a 27th of January bill back in September?

    • Witnessed x 2
  10. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    So typhlosion, huh….
    • Witnessed x 1
  11. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Why is cleaning so tedious? I just cleaned yesterday!

    • Agree x 2
  12. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Patients actively make my BP rise with how unwilling they are to do the bare minimum sometimes.

    I don’t have the legal prowess to answer these questions for you I can only give suggestions and explain terms please just do the work yourself.

    also why do things cost money? I have to get a ring for fiance and it’s like $2.1k and I have Zero moneys. Finance plans make it $200/mo and I want to surprise him for Christmas so I might have to bite the bullet here.
    • Witnessed x 1
  13. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Tell me about it...
  14. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Apparently I’m too stupid to math hours and PTO so I have like. A full paycheck PLUS my annual bonus of working at the clinic plus the fiscal bonus we got last paycheck and (???)

    Things are going Moderate for me financially, who would have guessed!!! I mean, I’m still barely afloat with personal debt and I *did* just put on a 2k loan for that ring, but I’m warm in bed and my mortgage is paid for the month and my bills are in order for now, and life is good.

    My fiancé keeps asking me if I want a Sephora gift card because he can get that from his credit card bonuses and I’m like no!!! We need to make a stupid little house for stupid little chickens so we should get Home Depot cards instead!!!

    I want to cook dinner but I don’t know what to make. We have leftover turkey that the in-laws gave us, so the smart option is soup from the carcass and such. I could start on that now I suppose?
  15. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    We bought a chest freezer. Such a bastard to get down the stairs into the basement and the cat decided he wanted yummy poison styrofoam to choke on.

    but it’s down there and we are not moving the damn thing.
  16. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Dear Satan please give me $1000 moneys so I can buy a lavender hognose for sale in my city at this very moment I will be forever grateful thank you for coming to my Ted talk

    I could afford him next paycheck technically, because I have an extra paycheck this month, but the responsible thing to do is pay bills instead which
  17. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Am I going to keep having a job if the federal funding doesn’t come back?
  18. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Paid off an unsecured loan! Now I just have to tackle my credit card debt

    tomorrow I plan on cleaning the house ASAP from the kitchen to the bedroom. I’ve got all my garbage strewn about and it is NOT cute.

    Bought supplies to raise chicks. I want to get a bunch of fun ones, but the cheapest/smartest option that is still “fun” is a pack of 10 of the same ones off Hoover’s Hatchery via Tractor Supply. Less chance of getting roos from some minimum wage kid who doesn’t know how to sex birds and cheapest way to get “rare” breeds without spending $70 in shipping or getting too many babies at once. I’m going to get the goth girl special, mystic onyx. They’re a cross between a silkie and an ayam cemani, autosex (girl chicks are all black), and they lay like 250 eggs a year. They’re supposedly very docile, and can get fun looks beyond the black look, some get a green sheen and some have fiery orange feathers.

    My dog got into a chocolate chip protein bar and fiance spent all day worried and I was stuck at work irrationally upset over it.

    I had to walk by a dead cat on my way to work this morning which spurred the stress. It looked like it had been asleep or laying down on its own accord if it wasn’t for the fact its eyes were wide open. No sign of anyone putting it there, and the night previously had snowed and thawed so I don’t think it would have been out in the open like that in a busy main road area. I was squicked out before the dog meal replacement nonsense.
  19. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade




    • Witnessed x 2
  20. Hisuian Typhlosion

    Hisuian Typhlosion Infernal Parade

    Lack of appetite for a week is bothering my fiance. I don’t know what to do about it either, but eating is officially a chore for me again so I don’t want to do it.

    liquids are still okay, tastes are fine. I just feel nauseated by the idea of eating.
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