Do you follow NCS? Chugga? Jon? Lucahjin? MasaeAnela? Anyone from that group? Are you excited about the fact that Jon uploaded a new Superman video? Are you enjoying Chugga's take on Skyward Sword? Are you hopping in your seat for the next Tales of Symphonia episode bc you're just dying to find out what Cruxis is, exactly? Then this is the thread for you.
Hello friend are you familiar with good dog boy TieTuesday and his accompanying crew, particularly ARavingLoon? c: Tie hosts Jon on twitch pretty regularly and Jon seems like a really cool dude! ...If that's the right person and I'm not misremembering.
I enjoy Tie's videos and Loon is a cool duder as well, although I havent been able to keep up with their streams for a while.
!! :D Tie recently made twitch partner and is currently practicing a speedrun of sonic 06 - he did his first complete practice run the other day and it was the #14'th highest ranked. I'm on his patreon discord, which is full of really cool and neat folk C: Plenty of fellow-autistic friends and a very high LGBT presence
I am not familiar, sadly (Jon is the guy who does "Fortune Cookie" streams where people vote on games they'd like to see.)
Oh man, Tie is great and Loon is one of the funniest people doing streams I think - he speaks in a very soothing, even voice, and can spin the most fantastic bullshit x3 He also knows a lot about history, his crusader kings 2 playthroughs are up on youtube and provide me with a lot of nice background listening. Highly recommend checking them out ^.^
Awesome, thanks! You should really check out ProtonJon's streams, and his Youtube channel as well! And if you want more high-paced, louder comedy I also recommend the collab channel he's a part of (TheRunawayGuys).