Random thought I just had: Do I have agoraphobia? I don't think so, but...

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by evilas, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    The thought just occurred to me when I was asking about conventions... I think I might be just as scared of going to the place as I am going in.

    I go to class practically every day, no problem. I take the bus (walk 3 blocks to the bus stop), or a taxi if I'm running late. I also go to a therapist from my dad's office and back, that's 5 blocks. I'm not...scared of going outside, I don't think. But the thing is, I'm not comfortable being in a place I'm not used to seeing. I can walk from my mom's house to my dad's house no problem, I've known the area around here (6-block radius or so) since I was born. I've never been able to find the time to go on Pokemon Go walks... but maybe I haven't been trying hard enough?

    The concept of "going somewhere alone to do something I want" is pretty foreign to me. I've gone to the store to buy stuff, that's a few (4-5?) blocks away. I don't take my dog on very long walks, and I stay as close to home as I can. I also haaaaate it when I need to leave my house to do something, but when I do I want to do a ton of stuff like buy things and go somewhere to eat and do millions of other things.. but I also don't want to go too far away. I like having everything I need very close by.

    Any thoughts?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    that sounds more like and anxiety thing than an agoraphobia thing? A fear of going places I am not familiar with, specifically because I sometimes get catastrophizing spirals of "and then I'll take a wrong turn and get lost and never find home again and no one will be there to help me with directions and I'll be all alone and starve" and I think that's anxiety brain bullshit (ftr I am not diagnosed with anxiety, but. It's a thing. I probably have a bit of anxiety.)
  3. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Okay, that makes sense... kinda. I'd like some more opinions on it though.
  4. ectoBiologist

    ectoBiologist I'm a wise guy

    Hi. Um, hello. I have agoraphobia. It comes and goes and is triggered by different things (usually Big Moves). I totally relate to everything I bolded from what you said. If it were up to me I would just NEVER leave my apartment.... EVER. But I HAVE to and so I have to muster up all the coping strategies I have to leave the apartment. And when I get back? I don't want to leave the apartment for a couple of days to recuperate. It sounds to me like you might be experiencing something very similar to agoraphobia, or maybe just general anxiety? Here's a video I found helpful:

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