Recruiting for Survey on Disability/Illness Experiences

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by NarrativeSurveyPerson, Jan 17, 2025 at 7:52 PM.

  1. Hello, all! I am a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University performing a study on how people talk about their personal experiences with significant illness. You are eligible to participate if you 1) have personal experience with a prolonged illness, medical condition, or disability (physical or mental) that impacts your daily life; 2) which you feel comfortable sharing with a research team; 3) feel comfortable typing short answers to prompts in English; 4) have access to a device which can video-call and perform text processing; 5) are 18 years of age or older and a United States citizen. The study will be held remotely in a single 1-hour video call with a Carnegie Mellon University researcher. The study involves writing a short response about your personal illness experience and pays $15 per participant.

    If you are interested, or have additional questions about this study or its eligibility, contact: (or you can DM me here).
  2. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Yo, Luke is my IRL friend and he's doing some really neat research!! I participated in the pilot so I can't really do the study itself. But it was pretty cool and I found it interesting.

    Idk what else to say because I probably shouldn't spoil anything.
    But I asked/offered for him to post here, because I figured if anyone's going to have experiences with significant illness, it'll be the kintsugi crowd LOL
  3. seebs' mom

    seebs' mom Yes, really!

  4. seebs' mom

    seebs' mom Yes, really!

    I thought I'd do this, since it's on kintsugi. I got a text message with a link to the survey, but the first thing I saw was a notice that only people who use a hearing aid (or know someone who does) was eligible to paticipate. I don't, so no matter. (I have other kinds of mdical issues.)

    But that is quite different from the description here. Is this some kind of marketing?
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