Resident POTSie Potato, chiming in. <3

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by TheMockingCrows, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    You've possibly seen me around, considering I use the same username from DeviantArt to AO3 to Tumblr to FlightRising to sites I forget I signed up for.

    Disabled army spouse with a shopping list including: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (still say it's EDS3 but jury is out in medical community), fibromyalgia, CFS, IBS, some kind of not-arthritis-on-the-tests-but-totally-is, BPD with schizotypal tendencies/antisocial tendencies/and some other tendencies I honestly forget because it's been quite some time, anxiety, paranoia, major depression with a side order of anhedonia and... I think that's it but honestly at this point who knows.

    tldr; My body does stupid things and it's literally all my brains fault, as is my brain doing stupid things being my brains fault.

    I enjoy writing and drawing, working my best when I'm able to and have the spoons to spare to increase those abilities, and games. I enjoy my animus and mangos but not as liberally as I could because my attention span is shot. Love making new friends when I can, though! It's very lonely here. I've been mostly housebound for about two years now and till we move/get a wheelchair/get a car I'm probably going to be staying this isolated for a while yet. Not fun.

    Hooray for internet friendship magic.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
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