Rorschach Test

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by esotericPrognosticator, Dec 31, 2016.


1) would you be interested in seeing others' answers? 2) would you provide answers yourself?

  1. 1) yes, very interested

    5 vote(s)
  2. 1) sure, why not

    6 vote(s)
  3. 1) mmmmaybe?

    0 vote(s)
  4. 1) fuck no

    0 vote(s)
  5. 2) yup!

    5 vote(s)
  6. 2) idk

    3 vote(s)
  7. 2) nope

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    so I took this test (the one where you look at inkblots and say what you see, for those unfamiliar with the name) a couple of months ago as part of a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation (thanks, College Board, for demanding unreasonably fucking excessive documentation for me to qualify for extra time on the SAT, and thanks, school, for adopting the same policy for determining whether I qualify for extra time on your assessments). I am still not convinced of its efficacy as, like, a valid psychological evaluation tool, but I am really interested in seeing what responses people give, and I can't find any records of relative frequency floating around on the Internet. I have zero idea how to analyze those responses to produce psychological profiles, and I really have very little interest in doing so. I'm just curious about the variety (or lack of variety, for that matter) of responses!

    so, as the poll asks: is anyone else interested in seeing others' responses, and is anyone willing to provide said responses? please let me know. however, there are a couple potential problems I've thought of, people's willingness aside, which I would like to present for your consideration:
    1. if you take this test in this informal environment and/or look at other people's responses, it might affect its accuracy if someone administers it to you as a diagnostic tool later. I figured we ought to put the pictures of the inkblots and our responses under cuts so people won't see them if they don't want to, but in any case you should be aware that that is a thing which could happen.
    2. even if you're only taking the test in this thread, looking at other people's interpretations first will probably influence yours. again, this can be solved with cuts, but be warned.
    3. personally (if this turns out to be a thing people want to do) I'm going to respond first by redlining the particular part of the image I'm talking about and then describe what it looks like to me. when I took the test I found it was difficult to verbally indicate what parts of the images I was talking about, so I resorted to pointing for clarity's sake, but that's not an option here, obviously. so I suggest you do edit the images when providing your responses, though that might require more effort than you were expecting.
    4. I'm not sure if this is the right subforum for this? as far as I'm concerned this is an idle curiosity thing, but it does have psychological implications, and I realize some people might want to respond in one of the locked forums instead. (responding via subaccount is also an option; I'm genuinely not interested in who's giving the responses, just what they are.) so please weigh in on that in responses to this thread, and if people want it moved I can alert a mod.
    so yeah! I'm curious about this! please let me know if you are curious too!
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