
Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Ouija, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    i gained a significant amount of weight (abt 15-20lbs) that i got through. well. sadness eating+sleeping+not doing much else.

    i havent managed to find a job yet, which triggered the spike where id normally lose weight from working, thus not eating cuz im busy, thus both getting low cardio by working and not eating as much because no access to it. itd keep my depression at bay to say the least, because id have an obligation to stay awake, and id have no time to eat, thus the magic of burning what im consuming comes in

    is there a low-involvement weight loss regimen? i dont have much access to anything that isnt "walking outside" that wont make me hate myself (read: fuck push ups honestly), but with it being summer and me living in a part of california that gets heat waves rivaling death valley, walking outside for very long when it's not SUPER early in the morning or the middle of the night is inadvisable.

    basically i dont want to "feel the burn" because then ill quit halfway through. i need something that'll stick 8(
  2. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    As far as I've heard eating less is more effective in weight loss (generally) than working out- that said there's a lot of advantage to get out of daily 30 minute walks, even if it doesn't burn too many calories.
    Edit: whoops I'm tired and forgot your statement about temperature. Sorry!

    I can't look up specific videos to link easily right now, but there's a YouTube channel I watch, Healthcare Triage, that has some good videos about dieting and the like, the runner of the channel backs most everything he says up with thorough, scientifically sound sources, and states it clearly if his sources aren't conclusive
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  3. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    ah, yeah. That. (I also have access to actual food overall, so I'm not eating filling-but-not-nutritious food anymore, but actual, cooked foods. i made sugar-free cheesecake for the hell of it for me n my grandma because three pounds of cream cheese?? was gonna go bad the week i decided to bake). fending for myself versus being the favorite grandchild has its pros and cons

    and yeah ill definitely be doing outside stuffs when it cools down but its already been constantly 100 degrees the past couple weeks so its like /camps out in the bathtub full of cold water

    i might consider asking my mom to give me my old mountain bike, and go cycling in the forest paths. thats kinda shady/woody areas. I will definitely look that youtube channel up though!
  4. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    Would low-level cardio help in general? There's the Darebee workout sheets. While a lot involve things like pushups and suicides and burpees, a lot of the easier ones include things like basic leg-lifts, arm exercises, and stretches and they might help you at least feel a little more limber and move around a bit until the weather cools down and you can go on more regular walks again.

    The Office seems like one of the safest options, as does the Mermaid, the Cardio Light, and the TV Workout. You can even do Office and TV Workout while sitting on a chair, if it helps to start off in a seated position.
  5. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    Ah, thank you! I do like cardio, don't get me wrong (I can do about 45 sit ups without pause before I need to tone it down), and its not so much the workout itself as it is the hurt that comes with it.

    treadmills because it puts stress on my ankles and makes my chest hurt, however i love the heckity out of elliptical machines. I tend to end up going longer/faster on ellipticals 'cuz of it.
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