Sharing Fandom Things

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Mala, May 5, 2016.

  1. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    So for some weird reason, being able to share new fandoms with people is super important to me. Like when someone isnt interested in trying the thing, or when they say they are but they don't have time, it's only mildly disappointing. But when I can't seem to get anyone into the thing, I get super upset and angry about it. Lately most of the people I usually share things with haven't been available for various reasons and it's frustrating because I can't seem to get anyone into anything for the most part.

    Idk why this is a thing with me, does anyone else get like this?
  2. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    A lot of the time I stay obsessed with a thing much longer than my friends do, and sometimes they get annoyed with me for continuing to bring it up.
    It's totally valid to be frustrated! Especially since finding people who like some of the same stuff you like can be hard enough in the first place.
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  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I get this way kind of, though it's more being able to talk about the thing at all. As opposed to strictly getting people into it. While having people into the thing so I can have in-fandom conversations is lovely honestly I just need to be able to talk about it. So I've had times where I started to cry and feel like I can't talk about a thing at all because no one cares about what I like. All because I can't find someone to talk with about the thing. Even if that talking is basically just my talking at someone. It makes me feel very lonely and like no one cares about me.
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  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I feel this way sometimes. Mostly when I want to share stuff I absolutely love with my family and they have a mild lukewarm reaction to it.

    I am also currently in a situation where most of the people I spend time with just aren't into fandom in general. And that also really, fucking sucks :( It's not like I have narrow interests either, but they just have no interest in the things I like and not being able to share such a big part of my life is really hard.
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