
Discussion in 'Make It So' started by wixbloom, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    So last week I joined Skillshare premium via a promotional link - 3 months for 99 cents each - and I've been finding it pretty cool! The application for Android is crashy as fuck-all, and sometimes the videos have been slow to load, but I've still been using it and learning a ton of cool new stuff. I'm trying to gain some basic business management skills so I can have a more professional approach to my art-making, and there's this class which I'm finding absolutely amazing for that. I've been wondering if anyone has experiences and tips because I wanna make these 3 months count and learn ALL THE THINGS :B

    And, while this isn't by any means a sponsored recommendation, it's not an entirely disinterested one either: if you get a Skillshare subscription through this link, you get your first 3 months for 99 cents per month (and you can cancel when that's done if you want), and I get one free month so I can LEARN ALL THE THINGS some more!
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