Sleep cycle problems

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by swirlingflight, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    My sleep cycle is currently a bit screwed up. Falling sleep between 3am and 5am, waking up between 10am and 1pm. And then I tend to stay hiding in my room til I really need to pee!

    This is not ideal.

    Things that encourage me to stay up:
    - Hanging out blissfully free of awareness of other people, since everybody is the fuck asleep
    - Internet.... forever... *^*
    - Roleplaying / chatting with different timezone peoples

    Things that don't encourage me to wake up earlier, get out of bed sooner or leave my room.
    - Waking up means waking up to responsibilities and Things I Need To Do.
    - Being naked is very comfortable.
    - Leaving room means the risk of processing verbal conversation.

    Things I think would be helpful in getting back to a 1am - 8 am sleep range:
    - Give myself a motivation to get up (not out of fear of consequences, but something I'm looking forward to.)
    - Solutions for the social anxiety thing that makes me expect everyone to be openly as annoyed and frustrated and disgusted with me as I feel.
    - ???

    I could use advice on other solutions, and ideas on how to make the solutions happen.
  2. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I currently have the same sleep cycle and it doesn't help that holiday hours at work mean i get home at midnight. :/

    What I've been trying to do to reset it is take melatonin about an hour before I ideally want to go to bed. Then it makes me sleepy enough that i can't really function and I don't have much choice. Unfortunately, I know it doesn't work for everyone, and you can't take it for more than a couple weeks straight, so its just for the initial reset.

    If you have stuff to do at home, like idk, make food or shower or whatever, maybe figure out when other people are out or at work and do it then?
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  3. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Yeah, for the last week or so I've been going to sleep between 3 and 6, waking up between 12 and 2. Now that I'm back home for winter break, however, I've realized that I really need to align my sleep schedule so that I'm not literally going to bed when my dad's waking up.

    My current plan is to slowly dial back my sleep schedule until it approaches reasonableness. So two nights ago I went to sleep at 6, last night I went to bed at 4, and tonight I'll be trying to go to sleep at 2 or so. (Then, assuming I successfully go to sleep at 2 tonight, I'll have to decide where in the range of 12-2 I want my actual bedtime to be...) Not sure if that's at all helpful...

    (Part of the whole issue as I see it is that I'm almost never doing something useful OR enjoyable past about 3 am. Like, I'll scroll through Tumblr feeling empty, or daydream about my current fandom, or just feel miserable, knowing that I should sleep but lacking the will to start the bedtime routine (thanks, executive dysfunction). So really, the best use of my time past 2 or 3 am is sleeping. Maybe it'd be different if I could actually be consistently productive in the late hours, but I can't, so. )
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  4. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Two hours seems like a big jump. But one hour is small enough that I let it turn into 30 minutes instead, and that hardly makes a difference... I'll see how it goes.
  5. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. Do you like breakfast? Maybe finding a Nice Morning Food or a Nice Morning Coffee or something might help motivation to wake up some?

    for nakedness being comfortable, maybe figure out Acceptable House Clothes that are also comfortable? I tend to find that oversized shirts and baggy robes help with that - it's not quite the same, but it doesn't have the compression and pain of, like, actual going-out clothes.
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  6. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Hmm. Maybe getting in the habit of having cocoa or something in the morning would be doable. Nice Breakfast takes too much energy to do most days; really, I only bother on the days when I don't need the help getting up! But cocoa would be relatively easy, like I tend to just have cereal and milk.

    Alas, cozy clothes are already my default. I could probably use to look for some newer, comfier sweatpants. Now that it's getting colder, I can justify it a bit.
  7. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I woke up at 6:30am and I understand neither how nor why.
  8. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    At least you're awake?

    Things that get me out of bed:
    • i have to take my meds on a schedule or I forget, and I have an alarm specifically for that
    • tbh most of the time during the week i have to go to school
    • nice shower stuff - my morning routine is wake up->read for a bit (ten minutes to an hour, depending on obligations) ->go to the bathroom->shower->get dressed->breakfast/tea, and having a nice warm shower with nice-smelling things is nice thing to wake up to
    • breakfast is not a thing I need to think about, and is always delicious (I have a bagel with cream cheese every morning)
    • i don't actually need to speak to people first thing - for me it's because my roommate works night shift, if you have somewhere to sit in your room you could just go out and get breakfast and then shut yourself up again, but at least you wouldn't be in bed
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  9. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Okay, my progress so far has kind of... halted. I've been going to sleep between 3 and 4 the last few nights. Which. That is an improvement on 5 or 6. So there's that. Still. I'd like to at least get to the point of going to bed at 2. Too late for that tonight, though.

    (ETA: It's like 5 am right now??? I'm... not entirely sure what happened but, well. I made mistakes.)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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  10. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I think I need to get blinds instead of a thick curtain. It looks almost the same in here between 7am and 1pm, and without the visual cue that day has started, or plans of time-sensitive things to do earlier in the day, I just...
  11. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    I've found I literally cannot fall asleep more than 1 hour before the previous night if the previous night was not past 4 am. So I feel you. My sleep schedule's been about exactly yours for over four years now, the only thing getting me up earlier being school.

    Myyyy current solution for the problem of 'but 2-4 hours of sleep is not enough for you to actually learn anything from an 8 am class' is to take zzzquil as early as i can force myself to the night before i need to get up early, but i doon't think that's a long term solution. that's my 'i get sleep paralysis from long naps so i really want to get enough sleep' solution

    maybe come up with an internet Thing To Do that you turn off social stuff so you can't get distracted, just to that, and after that, fall asleep? That way you have a way to tell your body 'it's nearly sleep time' and choose what time you want to do that thing.

    Like, I usually watch Lets Plays on youtube for about half an hour without any socialization other than rp before I go to bed, that way I'm sorta shutting down my brain for a bit first while still being entertained, and since videos end, there's a clear potential stopping point.
    (the problem is when the rp gets good and i dont wanna stop rping)
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