Sleep schedule is fucked, pls advise

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Acey, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So the past week or so, my sleep schedule has been massively fucked up. I've been having fits of EXTREME fatigue during the day--like, so exhausted that I can't keep my eyes open--and then I'm barely sleeping at night. Does anyone have advice on how to unfuck my sleep schedule?
  2. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    maybe make yourself stay awake through the night and into the day, then go to sleep at a normal time?

    as in pushing your sleep scheduale so far that it wraps back around to being regular. that's usually what i do because i am Really Bad about maintaining a regular sleep schheduale.
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  3. fractalLettuce

    fractalLettuce a disaster cabbage

    if it's unsafe for you to do a full wraparound like raybot is suggesting, some other options
    1) take the naps but set a timer for 90 minutes and attempt to wake up after a sleep cycle.
    2) take the naps but set a timer for 3 hrs and attempt to wake up after TWO sleep cycles (this tends to be what I wind up doing if say an antibiotic is kicking my ass)
    3) take the nap and then caffeinate/spike ur blood sugar
    4) just caffeinate/blood sugar power through with no nap attempted
    5) purposefully walk the naps back until the early morning and then attempt a hard reset
    6) purposefully walk the naps back until you would like to be going to bed
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  4. Southe-lands

    Southe-lands A Cliff in Front, a Wolf Behind.

    Stay up for three days in an adderall and energy drink fueled nightmare hallucination whirlwind and then crash for 24 hours and resume normal sleeping?

    (Do not do this.)

    (Everyone else's advice is good. Also consider possibly melatonin? Doesn't work for me but other people have said good things.)
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  5. nekobakaz

    nekobakaz our lady of contagious giggles

    So I have two sleep disorders, one diagnosed, one not (yet). My untreated sleep apnea made it hard for me to sleep at night and made me sleepy during the day. I don't know where you live (sorry), if your insurance or healthcare covers it, but sleep apnea is pretty easy to diagnose; just a night at a sleep clinic to see if you stop breathing during the night.

    Otherwise, yes, sounds like my other disorder, sleep out of schedule. For some people, you can get it back into a convenient schedule following some of the advice above. For me... well, I'm going back to the sleep clinic to get officially diagnosed with a Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder cause I don't fall asleep until 5AM. Or else to see whether the sleep clinic can do something for me while my own efforts over the past three years have failed.
  6. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Do you know how it became fucked in the first place?
  7. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    It only became noticeably fucked a few days ago, honestly. I just got hit with EXTREME fatigue mid-day, and fell asleep when I got home, and that fucked my schedule up. :(
  8. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Do not do the hard reset thing! It does not usually work. Usually, what does work is changing it an hour or so at a time. Sometimes up to 3 hours at a time.
    So get up a little later and go to bed a little later.
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  9. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Ugh, that sucks so bad. I wish I had Sage Advice but I am the worst at sleep cycles. The hour at a time change that @Wingyl recommended is the closest I've found to something that works, but because of complications involving my own sleep disorder I can't get it to stop cycling once it starts. Hopefully it will go better for you. >_<
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