So here I am

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by TwoBrokenMirrors, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I'm not certain why I'm posting this because I'm not sure I have anything to say, but it might be because otherwise I will probably never make a post in this forum at all.

    I use the same name on Tumblr so some of you mght have seen me on Seebs' blog maybe, though most of my submissions recently have been anonymous. I specialise in completely needless identity crises that don't so much get resolved as just get sort of dropped, and maybe sort of being a bit autistic sometimes (current official mental health professional statement on that is 'definitely traits, may not count for proper diagnosis, maybe perhaps assessment in the works maybe' if it matters). You can call me Mirrors because it's a reliable designation, but I will also accept Broken (it amuses me), Two, and Rag (which is going back to the time I used Ragnarok as my username just about everywhere).

    If you ever saw someone mention 'mine and the boyfriend's universe' it was most likely me, we have this big sprawling thing that consumes most of my consciousness. Feel free to ask about it! It involves mostly angels and shipping, but sometimes we get bored and inflict horrible mental and physical pain on everyone. We do in fact have an au to do solely that, but then we also have an au where everyone is a dog.
    There are an unnecessary amount of characters (triple figures), and I love them all.

    I am for the most part pleasant and sensible to speak to, or at least I hope I am. So feel free to do so.
    • Like x 2
  2. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    Is the au where everyone's a dog about any specific fandom/universe deal?
    ...Are they different breeds of dogs?

    This sounds amazing.
  3. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Ahaha! It's for mine and the boyfriend's (henceforth 'our') universe, usually known as angelverse because it's full of fucking angels
    both figuratively and literally fucking angels
    And yes, they are all different breeds of dog. xP To be honest we haven't done a huge amount with it, it was mostly an excuse to try and match up dog breeds to character appearance and personality, but we have discussed it enough to realise that in this universe, shelters are going to have to be inexplicably not down with neutering the animals they take in because we need everyone to have their canon children, dammit!
    • Like x 1
  4. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    scoots up and sits

    fucking angels sounds relevant to my interest
  5. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    They quite frequently fuck, in an astonishing range of ways. Our angels are pretty similar to humans, in that they are capable of biologically breeding (though they aren't as fertile as humans because they also don't die [brackets in brackets: usually] and even infinite Heaven might get a bit tight if they bred like humans...) and are both capable of and allowed to feel desire and such, so it doesn't get metaphysical or Rebel Against God-ey (God encourages them. Or cockblocks them. Whichever is more entertaining to Him at the time. She has a 'sense of humour'). But we enjoy getting into their sex lives enough to have a column on it in our database.
    Default angel sexuality is essentially pan/bi. There are ace angels and angels that lean much more towards one or the other gender too, though. And some of them are kinky.
    Worst offender has to be Gabriel and his boyfriend 17th century mathematician and physicist Torricelli, who can't stop boning each other i mean dang. Errie and Simi (Eremiel and Simiel) are pretty close behind, which is good going for a pair who we originally looked at and went 'it's really hard to imagine them fucking because they're so babyfaced, look at the cutie babies'.
  6. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    You know, I didn't even notice until just now, but... You spend a lot of time on that universe. Would you say you... perseverate on it?
  7. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Insofar as I understand perseveration, it's the most likely to fit, yes. xP Certainly I can't apparently not attach angelverse meanings to songs even if I'm not thinking about angelverse when I start listening...
    I always do seem to get back round to it eventually. And find a way to prise it into conversation when I'm talking to someone new. Or not new. Look at my thing damn it
  8. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I have the reverse problem. I have way too many AUs of specific characters I attach to.

    #who needs three different dragon AUs for the same ship? #clearly I do
    • Like x 2
  9. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Well you definitely do because otherwise how would you know how things are the-same-but-different for different dragons?
    That's the fun of AUs, trying to hit the same basic personality and motivations but starting from a completely different point. Why did I take Wheatley from Portal and make him a Roman? Because it was fun trying to figure out how he'd get the same inferiority-cum-superiority complex in an entirely different environment.
    Mostly it appears because my Roman Wheatley has nine older siblings and they all bully him so he latched onto the army as a way to get Success and Notability even though he's not only too ill-disciplined to make a good legionary but also a pleb so he hasn't got a hope of making it out of the ranks.
  10. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Or conversely, taking the same motivations/personality and throwing them at different events to see what sticks. (That's the kind of fanfic AU I'm actually writing, except not, I need to work on it.)

    #and hey look #one of them is a flight rising AU #and one of them was not started by me #I'm not responsible for that
  11. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Ahh, yes! Though I don't tend to do that so often, for... whatever reason. What's your AU for?
    Also Flight Rising high five (I'm GiddyExcitement on there)!
  12. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    It's a roleswap AU for Tales of the Abyss. Which, if you're canon familiar, you probably only need "redheads" as an elaboration.

    There's an FR thread actually TAKE MY COATLS
  13. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Sadly I am not. But I approve of redheads!

    I realised I have to buy too many genes to be expanding my lair past ninety spaces for the moment, and every one of those ninety spaces is filled. xP
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