So That's a Thing That Happened

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by OtherCat, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I have ranted about this in my vent thread and also asked seebs if he (is "she" actually the right pronoun. I've kind of heard both?) had any solutions. (Seebs said I should find someone better at social.)

    Situation in detail. I started volunteering at an animal shelter organization. Yesterday I was pulled aside and "warned" about some situations. On Saturday, some dogs got loose from their pen, and I was blamed. The only reason I knew about the dogs getting loose at all is because I caught one of the escapees and went looking for the pen he belonged in. (I also got dragged by an otherwise lovely pitbull before I was able to set my feet and get her inside, and asked for help with a door when I was trying to figure out a slip on martingale collar I didn't realize was a slip on.) I am also previously in trouble because of an incident when I first started where I misjudged the temperament of a cat, who clobbered me for it. (Note: this was not actually a staff only cat that I got clobbered by.) Another incident that happened before the dogs getting loose was I was cleaning up the meet and greet playyards and I was worried about a potential adopter getting their feet wet while I was cleaning. (I was very focused and it took me a second to get redirected.)

    Now, before the warning, I very stupidly walked into the cat room when there was a "behavioral cats" sign on the door. I was quickly redirected and I went elsewhere, which is when I got called aside for the warning. After the warning I went to the cat room and saw that the sign was down from the door and that there were no roaming behavioral cats so I went in to play/socialize with the green sticker cats. When I left the room an hour later, I saw that the sign was back up. I called this to the attention of the manager. The staff member claimed they forgot to take the sign down. But it was definitely down when I went in.

    So I am pretty sure that was a set up, as well as the incident with the escapee dogs. I freely admit to being a space cadet and an idiot sometimes, though I didn't have anything to do with the escapee dogs, and the "behavioral cats" sign was definitely down when I went in. I would also like to point out that all of these incidents happen at the main center. I have never had trouble at the secondary location I usually go to.

    I am supposed to be getting training in adoption counseling at the main center, which I only had a few days of, and then nothing at all because everyone was busy with a location move and no one wanted a not trained person handling adoptions. My theory is that I did not really acquit myself very well at the main center, especially with the cat encounter and the staff has decided to arrange things so that I quit. I do not actually want to quit because I actively want to actually work in a paid position for the organization. But I think I probably should because the last time I was stubborn about continuing a program where the other members of the program and the teachers had it in for me because of my behavior/demeanor/general space cadetry. It did not go well.

    So currently my options are:

    1. Only working on the laundry or dishes when at the main center, except for training, which hasn't happened yet, and making sure the volunteer manager knows that I'm only in the laundry or dishes area.
    2. Quit while I'm ahead. If the staff has already decided that I'm incompetent there's no way in hell I'll earn a paid position since my screw ups will be held over my head forever and apparently, I don't even dare ask for help.

    I would please like some help with the first plan, or reasons why option two might be better.
  2. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Would it be okay if I moved this post to General Advice? This subforum is for inner Kintsugi conflict between users. I think your thread will get more attention in GA.
  3. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    That sounds really upsetting. Since you like the job and want to stay on, is there anyone above the general staff you can talk to? Like some kind of upper management type? It could help you with plan A if management clamps down on them trying to force you out.
  4. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Yes please! Sorry for misposting!
  5. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I am not sure. And I have no actual proof, especially due to the "Two completely different stories" factor. And I'm not sure I'd be able to do things like take pictures and the like for evidence. (Also, I don't really remember names very well so I can't make an accusation even if I'm completely sure that's what's happening.)
    • Witnessed x 1
  6. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    In my experience even without proof you can say like, "I don't feel welcome can you talk to the staff?" And usually a memo or email will be sent and then people will try to be on their best behavior.
  7. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    Are there any people on staff you are friends with or can make friends with?

    Was the warning given in the context of 'you are In Trouble and running out of goodwill and might have to leave' or 'this situation is a problem'?
  8. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I am honestly not sure. I am not good at reading people/social cues and anxiety brain/incipient meltdowns make things even harder to understand.
  9. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    Okay. So, overall: do you think you'll be too stressed out by possibilities to enjoy working there?

    Because if you think you'd still enjoy it, I think they won't hold mistakes over your head forever, generally. And if you can find someone to be friendly with, that will help a lot with both having someone to smooth things socially and with later getting a position.

    Doing laundry and dishes also sounds like a super viable option: it removes you from some conflict areas and shows willing and is probably not anyone's favorite job, so it'll be considered a good thing if you do do that.
    • Agree x 1
  10. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I have been extremely depressed/stressed out the entire week since what happened Saturday and Sunday, so I'm going to go with "I don't think I can enjoy working there." I apparently made way too many mistakes, and I don't feel I can trust anyone to ask for help/assistance/explanations without risking getting in trouble. (I was up to a warning. After a warning if something else happens you get let go.)
    • Witnessed x 5
  11. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Yikes! Am I understanding this right? People are moving important signs for human and animal safety and letting animals escape their enclosures to try to force you out? Do you work at the Westeros Animal Rescue Center?
  12. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    I honestly have no idea. All I know is that my various triggers have been tripped and I really, really don't fucking trust a) my memory of events, because ha ha, incompetent. b) the fucking staff.
    • Witnessed x 2
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