Sound control for phone apps?

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by mizushimo, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I missed an appointment today because my phone was on vibrate. Is there any way to make certain apps use sound notifications while others just vibrate?

    I'd love it if I could just have important stuff like phone calls and calender reminders play a sound while Facebook messages could just vibrate.

    Discord has a vibrate only setting within the app, but most others don't.
  2. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    idk about other apps but I found those controls on FB Messenger

    IMG_20170623_145110.jpg IMG_20170623_145155.jpg IMG_20170623_145223.jpg
  3. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

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