I had this idea today while I was wishing McDonald's delivered. Bigger cities have a lot more delivery options than my small town region. Even if it isn't McDonald's. I feel like the simplest solution is to have an independent food delivery service. Since I'm unemployed anyway, that seems like a pretty simple way to earn some money on the side. Post on Craigslist in my local area, collect a flat rate five dollar fee for delivery, tip if desired. I'm trying to think of everything I'm going to need to start the service if I were to do it. Some increment of change A way to take credit card payments, maybe A website? A t-shirt or hat or something advertising the service? I don't have any other people who would be interest in the venture, employee wise. I'd like to try it out first. Any general suggestions or advice
There's also Zoomer - https://zoomer.typeform.com/to/teQTTe - which is doing that but contracts get set up for you, and I think an hourly wage? But in terms of freelancing this, Square is a way to take care of credit card stuff that doesn't take that long to set up.
you should check these guys out, they're fantastic and expanding. dunno where you are but maybe you could link in with them?
That's legit, right there, man. Thank you so much! ♥ I sadly live in bumfuck Florida. :( Unfortunately, they have 0% support in my area, and I am but a small sperg snail with a Crown Victoria. I cannot conquer the state alone ( though damn do I wish ).