Stomach why are you doing this

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by KarrinBlue, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    So, starting on Tuesday the 15th, my stomach has just been randomly hurting. At first I thought it was just the result of eating bad pi-day pie but it's lasted three days so probably not that. So, yeah, at random points in time (sometimes after standing up suddenly, or shifting position, but other times for no apparent reason) parts of my stomach will hurt. Sometimes it's near my belly button area, sometimes under my ribs, it moves around. And I don't really have a good way to describe the sort of hurt so google has not been super helpful.

    Right now I'm on break so I can't go to my school health center, and I don't have a super clear idea of what the issue is, so I don't know what to do for the immediate next few days. Any ideas?
  2. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Bowel movements okay?

    Stabby or achey?

    Placed low or high (in general)?

    Any gas - up or down?

    Does pressure make it hurt less? More?

    What have you eaten since? Meat? Beans? (no this isn't about flatulence again it's a legit question)


    How severe is the pain? (just annoying but bearable? so bad you can't move?)
  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I think my bowels are ok.

    Hrm... more achey, I guess?

    In general, higher.

    No more than normal.

    Haven't really tested anything with pressure, so I don't know.

    Hmm... mostly noodles since that's easy to make?

    No nausea.

    I can move around, but sometimes I need to stop for a bit before continuing what I was doing.
  4. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Okay, that does not sound drastic. (was ruling out appendicitis/food poisoning of a serious nature.) could be some random air bubble moving around where it's not supposed to. Have you had any surgeries w/incisions around there?

    what about physical activity? You said it hurts randomly... Wondering if one of the many muscles in there is complaining for some reason - or multiple? Any back pain? (I'm stretching a bit but if you're not having other gastrointestinal symptoms it might be worth looking further afield...)

    best thing to do rn I think is to keep an eye on it. Keep hydrated and such. Probably don't eat extra acidic foods in case it is your stomach, and it needs a break. You don't sound like you're in imminent danger. :) If things start to REALLY hurt, or if you start vomiting/diarrhea/etc, then that's obv cause for alarm.
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