it came out of nowhere this afternoon. my legs folded up underneath me as i was getting ready to leave for work, and i suddenly started experiencing these jolts of pain through my lower back. it's midnight now, i've been lying down with a heating pad for five hours, but when i got up to feed the cat (down a flight of stairs) it got to the point that i could barely walk. i've been having to hold onto something just to stay upright. i can barely handle reaching upwards or lifting things. i'm now in near-constant low-level pain with jolts of moderate to strong pain. Google says it's probably a pinched nerve or something. i dont know what to do. i can't be immobile, i gotta work. what are the chances that it will feel better in the morning??
If it's the same thing that's happened to me a couple times, it'll be less-bad in the morning, but not better-better. In fact it might feel worse first thing in the morning, because everything will have stiffened up from sleep. By the third day I was back to full range of motion, just cautious about it.
this timeline seems about right!! it is worlds better than the first day. i dont have my full range of motion yet, and certain positions are still VERY painful, but by and large my back is a-okay today. time to attempt Work (⋈ò<ó) Edit: ATTEMPT FAILED, DOCTOR CONTACTED