suggestions for coping with Bad Things Happening?

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by pinnedbutterfly, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    i considered posting this in the US election thread but i figured i should probably try to avoid posting there at the moment b/c thinking about Trump and the people he's appointing to his cabinet has legitimately ended up in me shaking and wanting to cry b/c this is going to be terrible for so many people and i'm sad and angry and scared for them and yes, a tiny bit for myself (not much tho since i'm white and (i'm p sure) i pass p well for neurotypical+straight+cis but Weird/Quirky/Awkward), so:

    i'm posting this here b/c it's become clear to me that i need to take care of myself. the problem is i'm not sure where to start. i think i'm eating okay and i exercise at least a little bit every day, and i've been journaling, which helps, but i'm having a hard time staying positive whenever i'm reminded of the very real danger my nation is facing right now. i can escape into fanfic or a movie for a few hours but that hasn't really been helpful b/c if i let myself look back at political stuff i just get stressed out again.

    it doesn't help that i'm also currently Anxious That Someone Hates Me, even tho i know that realistically they probably don't (but of course my anxiety is not listening to logic, b/c it's Anxiety), and whenever i remember that my anxiety also spikes.
    TL;DR i am anxious about trump's idiot brigade+other things right now and i have no idea what to do about it b/c my usual coping mechanisms of ignoring reality and escaping into fiction aren't helping in the long run and ignoring social media only does so much, especially b/c i want to try and Feel Better ASAP so i can Do Something Productive To Help irt political activism.

    so i guess what i'm asking here is does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with anxiety that is persisting despite all efforts? i'm taking my medication and i think that helps some but i'm not sure how to deal with the fact that currently A Lot of Bad Things Are Happening.
  2. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Talking about it and venting can help a lot, in my experience! I'm phonestuck at the moment, but if you'd like you could shoot me a pm?
  3. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    i actually made a venthread and have since talked to some friends, and I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday since I've now let myself feel things and talked about it rather than bottling it up.

    Yesterday and the latter half of last week were just. Pretty terrible. I'm also going to talk to the Person Who Might Hate Me after giving it some time, since now that I've had time to process I figure that it's possible they don't actually hate me and Tumblr could have possibly made them unfollow me. Ooooor they did unfollow me on purpose but it's not because they hate me. there are other possibilities that my brain has only recently started considering.

    I'm still taking a break from Tumblr since it's more overwhelming than here (I'm getting mixed messages on how to proceed re: the election and so far here it seems more...chill???) but I should probably take a break anyway because I need to get my life in order.

    TL;DR I'm feeling better at the moment due to doing the very thing you suggested but I appreciate the suggestion and offer to talk sometime. I might have to see if I can join the group chat at some point because I'd like to get to know people better even though it might take a while. So thank you! :>
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  4. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    The group chat is funtimes usually! I'd love to see you there. :)
  5. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    Awesome!!! I might not say much at first but I'd love to even observe sometime. :>
    • Like x 1
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