Hey there guys. If you've been around the HS fandom you might have seen me from time to time, but there's plenty of you who aren't Stuckies, so introductions time! I go by Liz, Licks, or Lizard. I'm a stone throw from the big three-oh (next year), a mom, a wife, and only now starting to figure out the gender and sexuality thing probably isn't as clear cut for me as I thought it was (but not really feeling all that surprised by it honestly, just finding some things fit better now that I have a clearer understanding). Brain things are also a toss up. I'm sort of middle ground so far as life experiences go, so sometimes I'll have questions, and sometimes I'll have answers. I'm a mom first and always, so if you need a little extra love and comfort, feel free to ask!
Thanks! I think I've made a comment or two on some of your posts,but nothing that extensive. You always seem like a cool chick, though :D
<3 Thanks. The fact that our bios sound remarkably similar amuses me. How many kids do you parent? Mine are 6 and 7 now. Like is getting so weird.
Heehee, I got two as well! They're a little younger though; Eris just turned 5 and Liam's 1st birthday isn't until April. Hmm, well I do a lot of weird xeno fan art for Homestuck on my main tumblr, and my most active side blog is dedicated to reptiles and fish. My username is pretty much the same on every site I use though, so if you see Lizardlicks elsewhere there's a good chance it's me.
So I see a lot of your stuff through Roach, but I haven't followed. However I always parsed your username as lizard-dicks I mean, licks makes more sense, but I've got the feeling that you'll find that amusing, so here we are. =D
This is actually a very common occurrence. So much so that I made a game of seeing how many people would say something about it every time I went someplace new with the username :D I have no way of getting actual statistics, but I'm still amused by the idea of creating forum signatures that say something like "X% of people read this user name wrong! Did you?"
Hello Lizard :D I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your homestuck xeno fanart. Huge inspiration, always fantastic *U*
Aaah thank you so much! 0//u//0 Making people happy with my art is one of the best parts of being an artist. It always makes my day when someone tells me something I did had a positive impact, even when it's just the porn, lol!