Uh, hello! I am a tiny mushroom (not literally), but you can also call me Liese. I am a 20-year-old autistic Australian who is studying to be teacher of small children. I am also studying Japanese, and I may end up teaching Japanese to small children? Who knows! The future is a mysterious and scary place! I really fucking love mushrooms, as you can possibly tell from my username. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the biology of fungi so I'm not exactly an expert or anything, but I will still happily tell you about mushroom reproduction if you ask (or even if you don't ask). I photograph and catalogue the mushrooms I find because I am a spergy nerd. Uh, what else? Uh I like music, feminism, clothes, creative writing (which I do not do enough to call myself a writer) and uh autism and education and especially how to teach autistic kids I have so many feeling about education hoo boy. I am gay/a lesbian/what the fuck is sexuality/maybe a little bi/I'm not straight that's for sure, my boyfriend is a trans guy, and we've been together for nearly 6 years wtf. I like food and tea and buying makeup but never wearing it. How do you even turn yourself into something that can be described in words. I have a tumblr but it's literally just a nature blog which is not very interesting but if you want to see trees then uh sure, let me know and I'll give it to you. I had another blog but I was neck-deep in toxic SJ stuff and I noped out of there really hard. So um! Yes! This is sure an intro. I look foward to talking to people not on anon for once! So um! Yes! Hi!
I love trees. trees are fantastic. let me tell you about trees, I'm a washington native and AGGRESSIVELY LOVES OUR RAINFOREST
TREEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS I live near the bush and I love the trees. The air is so fresh. There are so many birds. I mean, possums also scream on your roof at night and there is the threat of bushfires ever summer, but you know, it's all a part of the Australian experience.
When I read your sentences, I imagine a literal tiny mushroom saying them, and that fills me with a certain level of immense joy.
buying and never wearing makeup sounds like me all right. i'm also a big fan of tea! any particular types? i was on a lapsang souchong kick for a bit, but lately i've been more interested in spiced blends. substitute "general photography" for nature and that sounds like me too. nice to meet you!
Also I'm pretty sure I just entered the lapsang souchong kick. everything smells like campfire and i am so happy
I saw a thing that said, "a tiny mushroom last spotted x minutes ago" and I literally started giggling uncontrollably. This was the best username decision. Hello! =D My favourite is various black teas with milk and sugar. We have a tea brand here called T2 and they have a black tea called Melbourne Breakfast and I ADORE it. It's kinda vanilla-y, and a bit smokey, and it's very smooth and it's delicious and I love it. They also have a Creme Brulee tea, and it's SO GOOD. T2 is great, if you ever get the chance to buy stuff from there, seriously, do it. I'm also a big fan of jasmine and oolong tea. I also quite like Yorkshire tea, which I got from a British speciality shop. Ooh, there's also a French tea brand called Mariage Freres which has one called French Breakfast and aaaah it's amazing, but shipping from France costs more than the tea itself, so I haven't had it in years. But I remember it!
smokey and vanilla is right up my alley! english breakfast teas were what got me into tea in the first place. i didn't realize that it actually had a name for the longest time; i just thought it was normal tea and everything else got a name. a note of warning about lapsang souchong - it's really, really strong. my mom says it tastes like a boiled moccasin. i really love it, but if it's possible to try some before you buy it i would definitely do that, because it sucks to spend a bunch of money on something it turns out you don't actually like. @boyacrossthestreet if you like the smell of lapsang souchong, lush sells a shampoo bar called soak and float that also has that wonderful campfire smell.
A boiled moccasin would sure be an interesting flavour! I can hopefully find a tea shop that lets you try before you buy, or I'll find a friend who has it. Thank you for the advice! =D
Oooooooh, mushrooms. I am here to talk about mushrooms! In the city where I grew up there's an annual mushroom festival put on by the local mycological society where they have a bunch of people bring in mushrooms and set up these huge long tables with mushrooms all ID with scientific and common names and little fact cards. And then there's various mushroom-related vendors selling mushroom photography books and mushroom art and mycelium cultures so you can grow mushrooms and whatnot, and various mushroomers putting on presentations and being cagy about where they find their mushrooms. And then the best part is the room where they've got a continuous cycle of various local chefs demoing mushroom recipes and passing out samples *drools*. This same mycological society also runs field trips with an expert so you can go out and collect mushrooms and then come back and get told which ones are delicious and which ones will totally fuck you up (and which ones are edible but taste like literal shit "earthy flavored") without having to deal with mushroom keys. tl;dr: mycological societies are awesome and everywhere should have one.
@Wiwaxia Um hello yes I NEED TO GO TO THIS. I've found a mycological society in my city, and they go on expeditions (not sure if the word I want) and stuff, but their website hasn't been updated since last year, so I am not sure what is going on there. I should probably e-mail them and find out!
@budgie @boyacrossthestreet I got a sample of lapsang souchong tea yesterday, and I am trying it now and it is actually very nice! It smells much stronger than it tastes. It taste a bit like a campfire? It makes me think of drinking a warm cup of tea by a campfire at night when it's raining lightly. I can see why some people would think it tastes bad, though, it does have a sort of wet-moudly-thing tang to it. But I like it! It has a very smokey and comforting flavour.