So. Tattooing is kind of a thing in my family. My parents both have several, and my older brother has a few, but I haven't gotten one yet. There's an expectation that I will, though. It's been off and on my mental radar for a few years, and I've gotten a few offers of "for your Christmas/birthday gift I'll front the cost for babby's first ink" though I've never taken it up. Honestly it's been a while since I've thought about it. But my dad and I both have birthdays coming up. Dad wants to get a new design, and he suggested that we do a... a joint thing I guess, and get me one for my birthday too. Which feels like a flashing siren of nope nope nope, especially since my birthday is in a month, and his in only a few weeks: not a lot of time to make a decision. Like, I guess it's a sweet gesture, but reasons not to include: I haven't decided on an image, nor a place to put it. worrying about regretting it (probably the biggest, most obvious issue) if Dad's paying for it, the choice of artist is probably up to him feeling like whatever I choose would be up for scrutiny because he's paying for it a medley of bodily issues and probably a bunch of other things that I can't think of right now I mean, the fact that this is making me so anxious (and all the reasons I can immediately think of not to) is a pretty clear sign that I shouldn't do it, but I'd like feedback anyway, especially about ways to communicate all this to my dad without hurting his feelings over it. :l I just want a giftcard for my birthday, not a huge physical and emotional commitment
id say stick with your guts. if you ever get a tattoo it should be on your terms. youre right; it is a big commitment
As someone with tattoos, yeah, it's a huge commitment! I love mine, but I put a lot of thought into them, and I genuinely wanted them. They're not something one should get without a FUCKTON of thought beforehand, and I think you should at least tell your dad that, and probably that you don't really want any?
For talking to them about it I'd recommend going with "they're so important and they stay with you so long, I need to make sure my first one is a design I'm going to love forever! I want it to be SPECIAL and I don't think I'm settled on what I want on me just yet" or something like that? like...hitting hard on how Significant they are, because...lbr people like knowing that what's important to them is important to you (I'M GETTING ERRGRGRGRH CRAWLS UP MY BACK THOUGH DO NOT PRESSURE PEOPLE INTO PERMANENT BODILY DECISIONS)