The New Year Thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by WithAnH, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    In 2015, I...

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is...

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is..

    In 2015, I settled into my new job, learned how to make spaghetti carbonara, ran two half marathons, ended a draining and unfulfilling relationship, walked in graduation and officially received my PhD, fell for someone who didn't feel the same, and spent a month in another country.

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was looking out of a plane window and seeing how astonishingly white and blue and lovely Antarctica is.

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was my grandfather and honorary aunt dying within a few days of each other.

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is my friendship with my brother.

    Something about my life that I will try to change in 2016 is the frequency with which I wreck my own sleep schedule for no reason.

    Feel free to post if you want to do a year-in-review type thing. Adding your own questions is cool too!
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  2. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    In 2015, I...
    I went on kintsugi for the first time. I was in the play Medea. I turned 16 this year and I realized more and more that I'm transmasculine. I grew closer with my friend groups.

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was... being in Medea

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was... being helpless to do anything as my friends hurt

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is... my tendency to write. My friendships.

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is.. organizational stuff
    • Like x 3
  3. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    In 2015, I...lost family, got closer to some people, joined Kintsugi, got some insurance finally, roleplayed some really wonderful things.

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...
    I got even closer with my best friend.

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...
    my husband was bedridden for two months, unable to stand or walk, and had to be hospitalized for awhile. He's still recovering.

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is...
    roleplaying and doing art, just finding ways to be creative.

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is...
    my health and my husband's health. I want us to get stronger and healthier, eat better and more often, exercise and move around. I want him to be able to visit with his sister when she comes to visit in November.
    • Like x 2
  4. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    In 2015, I... Joined kintsugi and gained so many wonderful friends, started counselling, renewed friendships in meatspace I fucked up a bit over summer,

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was... Joining kintsugi, gaining amazing friends from here,

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was... My depression and anxiety skyrocketing

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is... My friendships*, getting counselling, whether or not I stay with my current counsellor, doing art pretty regularly,

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is.. *Maybe telling my 2 meatspace friends about my depression and other mental health stuff, looking into autism a bit, getting better in mental health, so that I can actually survive high school,
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  5. Nertbugs

    Nertbugs Information Leafblower

    I'm going to do the survey later, but would like to say happy new year to all Kintsugijin before then. I hope 2016 blesses and keeps you :)
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  6. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    In 2015, I... joined Kintsugi, got laid off, got a depression intervention from my dad, had a physical and bloodwork done, started SSRIs, started therapy, fell hard into Undertale, started roleplaying again

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...
    Coming out of my lurker shell and contributing art and snark and perspective here. Feeling like I have something to offer others.

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...
    Being laid off confirmed a lot of my fears about being unemployable and depressed garbage, until things got so bad that my dad and his girlfriend showed up to offer a place to sleep for a few days, away from all my baggage here.

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is...
    Taking initiative to clean, organize, and help others.

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is..
    . Reach out to people, without becoming angry with myself when I hermit, and reach out again when I'm ready.
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  7. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    In 2015, I... graduated from my local community college in the spring, spent the summer hiking around the woods, and then moved to south carolina for my 4 year degree.

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...
    I got to go to a really cool zoo and interact with the animals

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...
    depression kicked me in my non-existent testicles really hard and I didn't do as well with my classes as I'm used to

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is...
    you know, it's pretty hard for my brain to even process that I am even gonna be alive in the year 2016, so with that in mind I'd like to keep the whole "staying alive" thing the same.

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is..
    I'd like to get down to a healthier weight (I know literally EVERYONE says that but! I have an actual plan and I am really good at sticking to them unless I have a major depressive episode). I already built up a little muscle hiking, but I'd like to build it up (or just maintain it) by visiting the gym. My diet is mostly ok but I snack a little too much so my calories in/calories out ratio is a little outta whack. I dunno if I could actually maintain a stricter diet though so MORE EXERCISE IT IS.
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  8. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    In 2015, I got my first grown-up job, got a clearer understanding of my life goals, graduated college (I never thought I would make it this long).

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was I passed my hardest class ever with a high A.

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was my roommate's troubles, the legal stuff, just that whole time.

    Something about my life I will try to keep the same in 2016 is I learned I can be unwavering when I need to. I need that steadfastness.

    Something about my life that I'd like to change in 2016 is I really do wanna build up my body strength. My ideal body type is so different from this and I wanna make it a reality.
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  9. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    In 2015, I... got a better understanding of my gender, graduated college, moved back home with my parents

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...
    my body image got a lot better out of nowhere in the last few months, and graduating with highest honors was pretty badass

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...
    starting to self-harm more often and more severely, losing my focus after graduating, being suicidal, falling out of touch with friends

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is...
    staying alive! definitely in the 'How Am I Going to Live Through 2016' club, we should make t-shirts. avoiding alcohol.

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is...
    I think I need to get better at making personal boundaries with my dad, though I don't know how. and I really need to get a job and a new therapist
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  10. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    In 2015, I...finally learned how to knit in the round, applied to college, began to recognize toxic people and relationships in my life, finally started trying to take care of my mental health, came out (???), mellowed out a fair bit about grades/fencing/live in general

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...I kept it together, mostly!!

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...the times where I wasn't able to mostly keep everything together, and literally everything else

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 confidence re: my appearance

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 confidence re: everything else
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  11. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    In 2015, I... Got through sophomore year and started junior year better than i've done at school for a long time, doubted my major and became confident in my choice again, started beating down some parts of my anxiety, felt some of the other parts start to grow worse. I realized I haven't socialized enough to have fulfilling friendships in college. I grew to be 20 when I felt like I should probably still be 19, and finally grew into my age at the end of the year

    A wonderful thing that happened in 2015 was...
    I got to spend a lot of time with all my friends in Minnesota, have a guilt-free wonderful time at a convention, and I had a great, All-A's first semester of my junior year, with minimal stress breakdown

    A really hard thing that happened in 2015 was...
    My parents moved, cutting me off from the vast majority of people I care about indefinitely

    Something about my life that I will try to keep the same in 2016 is...
    The amount I'm looking forward to the future, to what's ahead of me

    Something about my life that I want to change in 2016 is..
    I want to draw more, and more seriously. I want to make more friends and do crazier things.
    • Like x 2
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