Julia Child Fan Club

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by afarewelltokings, May 20, 2019.

  1. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan


    A different server than my usual out of context discord quotes
    • Winner x 2
  2. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    hey gamers i'm STILL UP
    • Witnessed x 2
  3. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    i'm doing some graphics edits while testing a build of Windows XP-C and i'm so confused by the logos......
    current installer gui.png
    (photo description of what's contextually important for the story: a black background with a small gray gradient area in the center. in the background, a medium gray text shows a Microsoft Windows logo and reads "welcome". an unmatching pink logo with white text shows a Microsoft Windows logo and says "Microsoft / Cosmo Windows XP-C". below the photo are four bubbles, top three are checked with a black box around them, one is unchecked and highlighted, bottom is unchecked. both unchecked bubbles have blue artifacts around them)

    the logos are a bmp (bitmap) file. the creator of the logo didn't realize that bmps can't be transparent, so they have a pink background due to the compiler trying to fill the blank.

    i next attempt to recolor the background of the bmp to match the background of the installation gui (which is a GRADIENT by the way. i am attempting to recolor a logo to represent a gradient)
    this is the original image. the pink background is the big issue. i thought "hey i'll just recolor it to match the background, no problem!"

    so i recolor the background and
    oh no.png
    what the fuck???? it's GREEN??? maybe i just don't quite understand the integrity of bitmap images, or the person who created this really FUCKED UP

    my next thought process is "okay, i'll recolor the green to match the rest of the text" NO BIGGIE, RIGHT????
    what the FUCK.png
    it's pink now. IT'S PINK NOW. IT'S FUCKING PINK

    i'm strugglin here. i decide, "hey, perhaps i'll just recolor the pink now."
    JESUS FUCK.png

    i'm just kind of sitting here, stunned. i think "hey, maybe i should recolor the pink to black instead?"
    also confusing.png
    i have some progress but THE GREEN IS RETURNING

    i'm just in an infinite loop of green and pink and i haven't even gotten to the buttons yet. computers are wild.
    • Witnessed x 2
  4. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    we did it gamers.png
    So I ended up redoing the logo with a couple of aesthetic changes (logo placing & dynamic-looking text)

    i'm going to recompile the ISO to do a test run to see how the logos look

    EDIT: now that i see the image, i think i'm gonna edit the placement of the flag
    • Winner x 1
  5. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I changed the placement of the Windows logo earlier
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  6. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    (i didn't put these in my graphic design thread since they aren't finished products btw)
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  7. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    hey gamers i'm gonna write some MIDI SONGS SOON YEET
    • Winner x 2
  8. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    guess who hasn't slept?


    as per usual
    • Witnessed x 3
  9. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    • Agree x 3
  10. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    how do u get rid of back pain when nothing helps
    • Witnessed x 2
  11. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Uninstall back pain from devices menu

    ...Idk man, witnessed and i hope you feel better
    • Agree x 1
    • Witnessed x 1
  12. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    thanks. unfortunately, back pain is actually a command line stuck in my body's autoexec.bat file and i can't currently edit it without corrupting the whole operating system :(
    • Witnessed x 2
  13. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    No one:
    My brain: hahahahaha peepee
    • Agree x 1
  14. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I’m like 12 years old
    • Winner x 1
  15. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    F05A9792-0472-44C9-94B5-DDCFF64AA9E6.jpeg goddamn I love my tattoo
    • Winner x 2
  16. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    No one:
    Me: uh oh gamers
    • Agree x 2
  17. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I fell asleep watching YouTube again
    • Agree x 1
    • Witnessed x 1
  18. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I fell asleep immediately after that and woke up about 20 minutes ago and ouch everything hurts and it’s terrible
    • Witnessed x 1
  19. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    That should probably have gone in the vent thread my bad
  20. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    • Witnessed x 1
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