Things To Do

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Kaylotta, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    I don't know about you, but I am a list person. Most of the time, it helps me cut down on the executive dysfunction. Occasionally, it keeps the anxiety at bay. (sometimes it makes it worse! hooray brainweird!)

    Sometimes I find it helpful to tell other people what is on my list. Sometimes it helps to bitch about it, too.

    So, I present: the Things To Do thread. Post your lists (as detailed or as vague as you want), and complain and commiserate at will.

    I'll kick us off:
    • transcribe 48 songs by roughly the end of May. this is about 243 pieces of work, or roughly 10 per workday.
    • get my shit together for my Master's degree starting in the fall
    • work on learning Italian and German, tidy up my French
    • once song transcription is done, finish my currently-60k-word Mass Effect fanfic that's going on 3 years old
    this week:
    • buy dry cat food to supplement kitty's wet food
    • buy white t-shirts, wax, and fabric dye for me and sis's attempt at cool shirts for live Night Vale show this week
    • bring library books back
    • get place to stay in Fargo for aforementioned Night Vale show.
    • put away laundry
    • pay my collaborative pianist
    • get US cash for trip to Fargo
    • go get all-season tires put on car
    • make dinner today, tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday
    • organize storage locker
    • clean the apartment (put away random boxes of crap, sweep and vacuum, clean counters and oven, clean bathroom, reorganize Tupperware cupboard, reorganize coat closet)
    • do my nails

    Soooo... what do you have to do?
    • Like x 1
  2. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    I have to email people about things before it's too late, and also I have a rotary address book that I need to mess around with to see if it still works. Plus homework, but that never seems to change or go away so I don't really think it counts?
  3. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    • Class observation for the internship
    • Leave the document thingy at my dad's on the way home
    • Grade some essays
    • Get some essays
    • Grade a ton of essays
    • College and work
    • Psych appointment
    • Deliver cram school essays
    • Grade even more essays
    • Mail teacher my internship project
    • Deliver the remaining essays
    • Return library books
    • Work
    • Ink commission
    • College and work
    • Ink commission
    • Sew
    Friday marks the start of a 3 day weekend of SWEET FREEDOM. In which I want to knit, sew and play lots and lots of videogames.
    • Like x 1
  4. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    - Family Law outline

    - Family Law outline until ~10 AM
    - review for Complex Lit until exam
    - Complex Lit exam
    - Family Law outline post-exam until bed

    - study for Franchising
    - Franchising exam
    - Family Law outline post-exam until bed

    - Family Law exam
    - pick parents up from airport
  5. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    I'm moving this week after living in the same place for 24 years so my list overflows the text buffer . . . . But, today's goal is to get my "office" (just the spare bedroom where I smoked the most) packed up except for things I am actually using--computer, stereo, desks, and vaping rig. Just about done.

    Things thrown out include:

    My old AD&D books
    Original install disks for Windows 3.0
    Original install disks for WordPerfect 5.1
    Law school outlines stored on 5 1/4 floppies. The program I used for outlining only addressed a page of memory, so the files were limited to 64K; ~48 pages with formatting
    2 iBook G4s (actually going to recycling center)

    Things found but not thrown out:

    Baptismal certificate
    Nice air pistol I grabbed while cleaning out the last of the original Seebs World Headquarters in Frogtown
    150 Black Cat firecrackers
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  6. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    3 day weekend to-do list!

    • Do my dishes for fuck's sake [DONE]
    • Supermarket (food, kitty litter) [supermarket turned out to be closed! I did buy milk at the convenience store though, and ended up having lunch out as well]
    • Finish sewing skirt [DONE]
    • I ended up also going to the gym, yeah! Even met my lil' brother there, but he trains in the big buff guys part of the gym with the heavy weights and I train in the part with people who get winded after 2 minutes running in the threadmill.
    • Ink cousin B.'s commission
    • Fix & mail internship plan
    • Finish knitting the sock
    • Finish knitting the other sock
    • Maybe finish the rainbow scarf? At least the sewing bits
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  7. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Weekend list:

    • Pay bills
    • Take dogs to vet tonight
    • Arrange dogsitting for when I have to go out of town in 2 weeks
    • Grocery shopping
    • Cook something that will make lots of leftovers
    • Sweep floor
  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    • Finish my fucking cosplays. Get wigs for Rose and Kanaya, make Kanaya's horns, add the buttons to Kanaya's skirt.
    • Actually work on cleaning my room.
    • Get the new TMBG album.
  9. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i should really work on art and/or fic, haha
    no real timeline for that, just... yeah... i should really do it and i hate that i can't get myself moving on anything
  10. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    OK! Crunch time! Stranger coming over to my place tomorrow. Cannot put off the cleaning any longer.

    • Walk dogs
    • Sweep floor (for real this time)
    • Take out trash
    • Vacuum living room rug
    • Throw out junk mail
    • Wipe down kitchen counters
    • Empty dishwasher
    • Collapse in a heap and watch one of the LoL promotion series games I missed
  11. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    - Finish updating my resume
    - Properly go to the unemployment office
    - Apply to more places
    - Email my Dad, tell him about this and generally be in touch
    - Email my mom, explain I've been in no condition for casual lunches where we talk about her arthritis and I feel bad, but it's not meant as rejection
    --- Find a better way to word that
    - Haircut
    - Return movies to my old coworker
    - Finish gingerbread man grid art for my other old coworker
    - Figure out what I need to do so I can start talking to a therapist re: depression, anxiety, possible autism, possible BPD, and improving my coping skills (cause fuck knows my parents aren't going to swoop in and fix everything)
    - Actually get health insurance
    - Get bra(s) that don't hurt
    - Make format for apologies when I disappear for weeks and leave people hanging
  12. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    today's list:
    • transcribe 6 songs' melodies and harmonies. [done]
    • fold and put away laundry [done]
    • do dishes [done]
    • make dinner (lamb curry) [done]
    • call and make a hair appointment [done]
    • go get groceries [DONE I DID ALL THE THINGS except tidying but w/e]
    • do my nails [done]
    • tidy the apartment if i have the spoons (i doubt it)
    urgh. i've been working on songs since 11.30; it's taking longer today. as such the long list feels like it's taunting me, even though most of those things are short and non-time-sensitive.

    bloo brain why you do these things
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
  13. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    list list list list list

    by the end of this week, I need:

    to buy my graduation gown & assorted shit
    to talk to the tattoo guy about getting a tattoo possibly
    to pay back a friend
    to write two papers for American Indian Women
    to finally finish the last of my calls for my internship
    to submit my CNP stuff so I can have the title of "Certified Nonprofit Professional" (god i almost sound adult)

    thattttt's mostly it. I have to go to work, but that's easy enough.

    (bluh bluh bluh graduating is weird)
  14. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    • finish last loads of laundry
    • put away all laundry
    • sell back textbooks
    • take textbooks to ship
    • round up and take out recycling
    • round up and take out trash
    • toilet
    • bathtub
    • floors
    • pack for home
    • call in medications
    • pick up medications
    • probably call home about student loans coming due oh shit
    • open lipstick package!!!!! yay
    • shower
  15. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    Oooh, lists. I do daily to do lists on my tumblr, but in the next few days I have to:
    • finish religious ethics paper
    • finish social problems paper
    • finish other final paper
    • write other final paper
    • get application for visa to Russia done
    • courier passport to New York
    • get application for peer mentor position
    • study for finals
    • finish short fic for A.
    • uh . . . probably something else. my memory's a little shot right now.
  16. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Shy's things to do:
    • Study for Geo test
    • Finish Reading ch 10 for soc. of gender
    • Answer Questions for ch 10
    • Finish Memo for ch 9
    • Write Memo for 10
    • Submit Memos online and print out physical copy due 5/14
    • Watch ATLA and take notes on gender behavior for tv analysis
    • Encode tv analysis notes
    • Write outline
    • Write paper
    • turn in paper and rejoice! due 5/15
    • Reflection write up for zaum, min 500 words due 5/8
    • Start packing for move next week :(
    • Begin planning for graduation/b-day celebration (happening sometime june)
  17. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    • transcribe 3 melodies and harmonies
    • do some Italian review [done]
    • wash pots and pans and Tupperware [done]
    • take out the recycling [done]
    • meditate for at least, like, twenty minutes; I am soooo disconnected rn it's not fun [did 10 minutes; Internet freaked out and I lost focus]
    • make bread [done]
    • clean the cat litter [done]
    • bonus points: cleaned the bathroom sink and the toilet [done]
    • work on Welcome to Kintsugi script and music; hopefully finish the script
    • if I get it all done I will reward myself by making a fresh scone
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
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  18. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Write this freaking cover letter I've been meaning to write for ages.
    Test the jellyfish tank.
    Cook a food of some variety.
    Come out of the inn on Habit RPG and actually do the stuff on that list.
  19. Fish butt

    Fish butt Everything is coming together, slowly but surely.

    This week:
    • Find someone who can fix my thesis website, as I really need it to start pulling bells at potential employers' doors.
    • Arrange airplane tickets to go back to the Motherland.
    • Pay the last few bills of the big apartment and figure out how to deal with the key situation. (I won't be there for giving back the keys, so a friend must be arranged to do this)
    • Finish inking the 9 and insert that gif into another website I'm working on.
    • Code the slider bar on top and make it work. Figure out what to put in that slider bar.
    • Link all animated gifs to different pages. For now there doesn't need to be anything on those pages yet.
    • Arrange at least one life-drawing class session.
    • Pay rent
    • Go to the gym by yourself. It's not a big deal, you know how to work those machines now, and it'll be fun!
    • Re-order those playing cards. Also rework the 'tinkerer' card so it doesn't show EX's ugly mug any more. Also add a card with rules to the set. (50 card sets)
    • Re-make box to size that will fit the cards. Re-order. (50 card boxes)
    • Go to the Whitney Museum and enjoy.
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
  20. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    two finals tomorrow
    have to close my account at my credit union
    have to pack all things into a uhaul
    give keys to next roommate
    need to make at least a token attempt to not get overpeopled this weekend because i hate getting pissy at the parentals
    and then i have a friend's graduation party (and then mine)
    rrrrrr so many people but then a bunch of weeks with no people so if i can get through this it'll be ok
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