this is a stupid question

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by devils-avocado, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    but if somebody's on antidepressants and still depressed, it's probably time to try a new one, right?

    I went back on antidepressants maybe two or three years ago, a type (welbutrin) that was supposed to be 'better' than the previous one (effexor, which I eventually stopped because I figured it wasn't doing much anymore/I didn't need it). welbutrin was useful, for quite a while, but it has plateaued and is possibly going downhill. since I'm noticing it even before winter that seems like a sure indication. welp, I'm already taking the max dose of welbutrin because that's just how the clinic prescribed it, so now I have to ask them to pick a new one entirely. (I don't have a family doc, I see whoever's on at the walk-in clinic and they're pretty much always like 'is this still working for you, yes, ok good' but lack of continuity between docs makes it more awkward to bring up the fact that that's changed)

    thing is, I've got the impression that if a med doesn't work it really obviously doesn't work, like within six months it would be obvious, and if it DOES work it doesn't just stop doing that after a couple years. hopefully this impression is wrong or there's some other sensible explanation. honestly, I know what I have to do here, but the more I confirm that yes this is getting worse maybe we should address it, the harder it is to make myself do that. ugh. ughhh.
  2. iff

    iff Well-Known Member

    I think i've read several places that "antidepressant randomly stops working" is a thing that happens. e. g. here
  3. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide

    if you're on antidepressants and your mood is not where it should be, then yes you absolutely should switch. that's why i've gone through four different ones in the last five years-- sometimes they'd work for a bit, sometimes they just wouldn't work enough. but if you're still feeling crappy then that's an indication to switch.

    i'm finally on a medication combo that works and holy shit, it makes such a difference. talk to your doctor about your feelings/mood/symptoms if you're not sure, but in general, if your medication is working the way it should, you'll know.
  4. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    ahh thanks, that's really interesting. especially the thing about tachyphylaxis. one of the links in that article has given me some good ideas about how to outline medication results vs what are potentially side-effects, which is super helpful also
    haha yeah it is definitely not doing what it should. the frustrating thing is that welbutrin is renowned for its lessened side effects, so even though I don't like my current side effects I'm sitting here thinking 'what if this is actually as good as it gets'. but that is something a doctor would have insight into, so getting my ass to the clinic is still the best option.

    thanks u guys, I appreciate it.
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  5. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    update: it went really well! the clinic doc was somehow the same guy I saw for my last refill, and he set me right up with a new type to try out. been taking it for maybe five days now. so far I'm hungry and sleepy, which is a noted improvement from disinterested and weary. currently making up for lost time by eating food like a normal-ish person, i.e. whenever I dang well want/have the spoons.
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  6. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    I just got on wellbutrin about a week ago, and its working wonders for me so far. But i've been on and off three kinds of meds in the past...9 months? so its really common to have to switch meds a lot until you find what works.

    and thats awesome it went well! eating like a normal person is definitely a good thing
    • Like x 1
  7. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    thanks! yeah, welbutrin was pretty good to me for a number of years. this new one has leveled off a bit but it's a starter dose anyways, I should make an appointment for the refill. NOTE TO SELF: DO THAT
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