And internet research is summarily unhelpful. I'm almost certain I'll get it, but I'm having trouble figuring out how much to ask for because I'm in food service. Food service doesn't do huge percentage raises once a year, we do small raises every now and then. The reason I'm getting a raise at all is because I'm such a good worker that I can just ask for one, so I'm trying to ask for something above normal but not absurd, but I don't know what normal is. I can't get people to give me comparable numbers. I hear of people being awarded 10-15 cents (USD) an hour in food service/retail raises, am I being unreasonable preparing to ask for 25-30 cents? I don't know that anything less would be worth it and I want to get as much as possible without looking stupid in front of my boss. Can I ask for more?? How much. Money. Never talking to coworkers and never getting a good scope of reference for what's normal foils me again.
various places i work raised wages for me anywhere from 25-50 cents, either bc the state minimum wage increased [as it's wont to do] or because it was a fixed hours-met wage increase [something like every 500 hours worked or something to that effect], and this happened all of three times for me. 25 seems on the low end to ask, but that's my own personal experience. google gives me a good suggestion of not thinking in cents but in percentages, and it's suggesting the average is 3%, but can be as high as 4.5% for "good" workers. So, to make things really simple, say you're paid $5/hr, which means a 3% increase is now a $5.15/hr salary, and a 4.5% increase is $5.225/hr [round it up to .23, or a whole quarter if you're cheeky]. of course, in the US, the bottom barrel minimum wage is 7.25, so the $5/hr metaphor only works in the sense of it being easy to math out the numbers in my head.
Oh no I am paid something like 5 an hour, I'm a waitress, half my income is tips and as such is at the mercy of customers. It's absurdly complicated because I work several positions with different base pays and I don't want to get too specific but at least one is around 5 bucks. Geeze that isn't the info I was getting at all... I'll ask for a lot and see how it goes obvs but I hope I don't look insane >u< My impression is that the 5% thing is normal in a desk job but food service workers never get so much....
was a food service worker, so again, it's just my own personal experience. right now I work in a pizzeria and I specialize in culinary if that helps? i have my servsafe certificate for another year, at least. edit: im also aware of waitstaff wages being absolutely horrible, especially in comparison to the cooks [which is what i'm specialized in]...having a 10-13/hr job opportunity to open as back of the house versus the, what, 2.30 that the front of the house deals with?
Unfortunately I don't have any experience with waitressing, but I can tell you about my two experiences with raises in food service as a server - the first one I was working for minimum wage (7.25 in VA) and after working there for half a year I was given a .25 cent raise. In the two years I worked there that was the only raise I got. The second is my current job in MN, and I don't actually know what minimum wage is here but when I started (trial period) I got 9.50 per hour, when I passed the trial period my pay was raised to 10.50, and when the boss decided I was a hard enough worker about a month later it was raised to 11.50.
My last raise was definitely at least 5% and I'm in food service too. It might be different because I'm in Canada, though.
Thanks for the responses. Turns out I was off base and I needn't have worried about numbers. I'm not being given a raise, I'm being offered a position as a manager 0_0
They're considering several people and I will have to train up to it and prove I can do it but heck imma try. My one manager is batting absurdly hard for working with me-he sold me twice as hard as I sold myself-so if he thinks I can do it I may well be able to. It'll be fun to see how occasional stuttering and constant parsing problems work in management tho >u<