Okay so. My birthday is on the 31st, and my mom insisted on visiting. She brought along the entire posse - my grandma, my uncle, and the dog. Besides me being absolutely sure I will come to hate my couch at the end of these ten days, what's worrying me is having the dog and my cats in the same place. They just arrived. Cassandra seemed curious to meet the people, Garrus got under the bed; usual stuff for cats, I assume. The introduction of the dog was... Not stellar. My dog is kind of an idiot, and a coward; my cats got... Hissy. I was hoping they wouldn't be because as kittens they used to live with a dog, but when Garrus and Strider met, Garrus hissed at him - I was trying to coach him out of under the bed and into my lap so we could switch rooms, and he got out by the wrong end. Strider immediately came to hide behind me and my mom. Cassandra was on my lap when she first saw him and got hissy too. No swinging tail on either of them, no mention to attack, just... Hissing, and when I lowered myself a bit so they were closer. Lots of hissing, and hiding while they were the three together in the living room. Right now, Strider is in my room with mom and grandma, and the cats have the living room and kitchen where I'm going to sleep. They are sniffing all the luggage and my dogs blanket; Garrus is more investigative while Cass is hanging out by the tall places. I'm not sure what to do. I didn't imagine they would have INSTANT FRIENDSHIP, but I want them to at least be able to coexist for these ten days. And I'm jut wondering if anyone has tips on how to do it? I'm trying to make sure the cats have space, but I don't know how things will go once Strider isn't behind a closed door.
Just gve them time to get used to each other and allow the cats to hide if they want to. The main thing when actually having them all together is to make sure the dog isnt agressive toward them(which it doesnt sound like he is). Even if he's a little too nosy he'll learn after the first time or two he gets scratched for putting his nose where it isnt supposed to go. They'll likely warm up to him in time once they realize he isnt a threat. Basically- keep an eye on everyone, but no need to fuss.
The best way to introduce them is with the new dog on one side of a gate or screen door and let them get used to the smells. Extra effective if they're getting food or something else positive at the same time. It's also best to let the cats approach on their own and have the dog either restrained or being commanded to stay (lying down if it's a bigger dog). Dog "friendly" behaviours are threatening and rude to cats so if he can behave til they learn he's not dangerous it should be fine.
@Alska @Ducks thank you so much for the advice! The cats stayed hidden all day, but came out at night and seem to be warming up to people - Garrus is still not sure about my grandma but is okay with mom and uncle, Cassandra sometimes forgets she's supposed to be scared of them. they're both investigating. Garrus tried to grab some of mom's dinner. With the dog, things are... I'm not sure. Strider was out during the afternoon, and they're managing to somewhat coexist, but Strider is hiding on the most deepest depths of my bathroom now that the cats are about. He and garrus gad some.... closeish contact for some ~30 seconds today; i was sitting on the ground and calling both, and they were engaged in some pretty intense eye contact until i moved sort of too abruptly. they both jumped two feet in the air and garrus hissed and got all poofy; Strider ran with his stubby tail between his chubby legs to the bathroom and spent a good two minutes doing sad whimpers. i'm starting to get worried for him. Spoiler They're seeing a bit more of each other tho, and i hope things keep improving.