[update of our situation here] Hi! Some of you may know that my sister @asynch and I are just getting a knitting business off the ground - the blog and etsy are linked in my signature, for example. We are kind of hitting a Bad Life Place right now though, so even though I suck at begging, here goes. There's a very long story involved that I summarized somewhat in my vent thread if you feel like digging through Panic Time to get more details, but the TL;DR is a year+ tug of war with my wife's workplace over their bedbug infestation is possibly coming back around to bite us once again. We may once again be on the hook for treatment costs and her taking time off work, even if we're not at fault. Our best case projected scenario is that we'll only have to pay half of the treatment costs like the last go-round (for this house, we're guessing it will be around $450), and last time the forced time off was paid time off even if it also made her ineligible for bonus pay that month (a month loss of on average $700 or so that really makes the difference between shoestring poor and room to breathe)... but like my wife just messaged me, "How badly will my company dick me over? We just don't know!" The tone of her communications with them has slanted pretty ominously towards trying to blame her for the company's recurring bedbug problem, even though causality has it pretty unambiguously clear that our house's problems solely originate with the company and not with her. They could insist we pay for all the treatment, they could refuse to pay her for enforced time off, So I'm asking for help. We have some knitting designs up for knit-to-order on our Etsy store. I would like to especially point out hats, as it's approaching getting-cold season, and I can knock out a hat in my design while watching a single episode of a TV show, so you'd receive the finished project much quicker than my very conservative shipping estimate. We'd be willing to remake most anything we've featured on our blog. We'd happily discuss commissions outside those boundaries - email us at cozyhearthyarnworks@gmail.com I'm also totally willing to do other work for money - I will (v inexpertly) do traditional drawing for you (example album here, special project album here), I will proofread for you, I will write (fanfic, original fic, etc) for you, I will do tarot readings... feel free to ask. If you feel like just throwing some money our way out of the goodness of your hearts, I honestly will not stop you (although you may receive surprise doodles of thanks.) My personal paypal is here (please just like... squint at my birth name or something). Thank you so much for even bothering to read through this. I really, truly, sincerely appreciate it.
Updated: @asynch added another of their hat designs to the Etsy shop, and I noted in the "other work" section that I will also do Tarot readings, if that interests anyone.
Oh no rainbow shawls.... I wish I could stand hats, as I know those would be much faster than a shawl. And yet........ lemme think on this.
:D :D :D fwiw - the shawl I would guesstimate would take me slightly less than a month, based on previous knitting times for shawls of that type. If there are particular things you Hate About Hats, I'm happy to adjust pattern design to try to take those into account, but I cognitively can accept that some people just Don't Like Hats. (I, on the other hand, am that aspie sprog who is happiest with something on their head.)
i'm definitely considering ordering a tarot bag (and also maybe a shawl?) you said that you'd be willing to proofread - what would the pricing for that be?
I've never actually done proofreading for money before, just as a favor to fellow students and the like. Quick research says the going market standard starts around $3 a page?
UPDATE: Kai was officially sent home from work today after her manager reviewed the results of our home inspection - she's not to come back to work until proof of extermination treatment can be furnished. Her manager is trying to negotiate a more fair deal re: this being paid leave and possibly her workplace covering part of the cost of treatment, but he doesn't have final say, and his immediate superior is on vacation until Monday. So... we could possibly be living off of the single (small) paycheck Kai just got today until such an indefinite period of time as.............? She's looking for new work, because regardless of what her manager negotiates this time, this situation with her work is completely unsustainable. In the meantime, though, we're really honestly terrified about affording to live. Anything you can do to help would be super appreciated.
yikes! i've decided to order a tarot bag and a shawl. will have to keep the proofreading thing in mind for later. hope this helps!
Every little bit helps, seriously. I'll keep in touch through the Etsy shop interface. Thank you so much.