I've had a really complicated summer. Basically, both my main plan and my backup plan failed - the first was an academic program I needed medical clearance for (and didn't get), the second an internship with the company I've interned at since I graduated high school (suddenly announced hiring freeze...) Partway through the summer I was offered another internship by a long-time family friend. It's nominally in my scientific field, and can be done from home since it's all online. The sponsoring organization is a US government one. I was supposed to be working something like 200 hours. The thing is, I ended up getting taken on a long trip abroad before a contract could be filed, and while I was gone the supervisors decided to switch all their interns from hourly payment to payment on report-of-40-hour's-work. (And, as far as I can tell, none of the other interns have actually gotten to file the paperwork yet.) I also found out that I go back to college much sooner than I thought, and it turned out they had also been talking about expanding the internships into the interns' school years. I got very little information on what I would be doing before I informally agreed to the internship, and it turns out it's basically a secretarial job, not a programming one. Based on the first day and a half and how badly my mental health was impacted by the "vacation" abroad, I'm seriously afraid I'm going to burn myself out by the end of the summer. Any advice?