okay so for at least a week if not 2-3, I have been trying t o fix my sleep schedule It is nowhere near as bad as it was this time last year, but.. normal falling asleep happens around 1:30-2:00am if left alone, and uninterrupted, I wake up, at about 11:00am? i'd say? can be later or earlier, but yeah. 11:oo ish this is not good, and not something I can do or continue in the habit of doing. Preferably, I would want to fall asleep around 11pm to 12am and wake up between 9:00am and 9:30am so, at minimum, 9 hours. during the summer, that is my goal though, for school, I want to want up at 7:00am, while still getting about 9-10 hours of sleep so, falling asleep at 9-10pm puching it back from summer by 2 hours. these are my goals Now. the problem. I have alarms set for 9am right now I wake up at them. I rarely ever sleep through alarms But. I. Do. Not. Stay. Awake. I wake up, think, yup im awake, gonna get up, sit there for 5-30 minutes, and fall asleep again. and it repeats sometijmes 2-3 times a morning, till about 11am and it makes me feel like shit emotionally so I want to fix this but as stated, waking up early is not working. and falling asleep earlier is downright impossible I have even had my mother come fucking wake me up, and have me respond to her I've even played games on my ipad, read stuff, played music... etc and I still fucking fall asleep again, so my biggest question is how the fuck do I stay awake once awoken? anything would have to happen from like, my bed so getting anything that isnt within arms reach is out (i also do not like coffee) yeah how do I stay wake once awoken
I don't know if this is feasible for you, and I'm sorry if you've heard it before, but have you considered putting your phone or alarm clock across the room from you? The action of getting up and doing something tends to wake me up. If that's not feasible, two things: one, throw off your blankets completely. Make yourself - not cold, but not warm, for sure, so you're less inclined to go back to sleep. Two, put a glass of water beside your bed before you go to sleep. When you wake up, drink all of it, fairly quickly if you can. Having a full bladder will help keep you awake, or wake you up if you fall back asleep. Edit: also, granola bars! making your blood sugar spike can help keep you from falling back asleep. Keep a box of granola bars next to your bed, and eat one or two when you wake up.
the alarm clock thing doesn work for me, because ringing alarm doesnt actually keep me up that much. I actually have pointedly ignored my alarm in hopes I would stay awake, and I still fell asleep, and just had a headache when I woke up :\ i will try the blankets thing, and will get myself a glass of water for morning. Iwould totally do the granola bar thing, but money :I
the biggest thing for me is getting out of my bed, into day clothes, and out of my room. if i fall asleep after doing all three of those things, i really needed the sleep. but usually getting up and out will short-circuit the "zonk" effect.
yes unfortunately, i have no obligations during summer and nothing that requires me to be out of bed and nothing to entice me out of bed that i cant just get if i sleep more :\ and basically my entire day takes place in my room right now. because i cant go anywhere on my own initiative, and noone will or can take me anywhere, and i have nowhere to go
Oh, and one more thing! I haven't actually used this, because I am a Certified Morning Person and a very light sleeper, but if you have a smartphone I have several friends who swear by the Sleep Bot app. It's free, and basically it uses your phone's motion sensor to track your movements and analyzes when you're sleeping the lightest, and will play your alarm then so you're not woken up from a deep sleep and groggy.
seconding the advice to get dressed and out of bed, as i'm literally struggling to stay awake myself rn. if you can make yourself do it, sit up, put on a sweater or something if you're cold, and leave the bed. easier said than done, i know, but i find having something that i'm planning to do helps as well. since its the summer it might just be, you have a breakfast already decided and it's time to go eat it. or a thing you want to read/watch but it's in the kitchen so you have to leave the bed. apologies if this is not helpful!
Huh. Okay. I slept really well today, and woke up really well, but this is an outlier and should not be counted. I will definitely try some of the stuff y'all are suggesting. Sleep bot sounds like a maybe...I think my sister uses that Breakfast... I am not good at making or eating food. And our kitchen has many different things that make making food worse, so eh. The entertainment thing could work...
Mornings are the worst. I can short-circuit the gobacktosleepyes thing by drinking a glass of water or tea right before I go to bed (lately it's been metamucil with water to fix my hateful digestive system), which means usually when my alarm is going off my body is saying "hey you, hey you, you have to pee, you should get up". It's not a bad enough urge to require panic or immediate action, but it's enough that it keeps me awake and forces me out of bed within a half hour of my alarm going off. I also have two separate alarms set - one is set at the "earliest" time I want to get up, then the next one is set precisely 20 minutes afterwards (I have an iPhone and the "snooze" cycle is eight minutes), which means there's the first alarm to start my brain, a little bit of dozing, then a nice alarm that actually means "get up", then every four minutes afterwards there's a different noise going off, which is enough to wake up my brain. (I usually only make it to the first snooze cycle before I get up due to tea/water drinking). Not sure if any of that helps, but ... I feel ya. Mornings are the worst.
I work from home. I don't leave the apartment for days at a time sometimes. So I need to keep structure in my life to stay sane. I don't have a problem with falling back asleep, so I tend to read in bed for a bit before I get up, but every morning I leave my room and shower and get dressed and go make tea and eat breakfast and then set up in my work space. Which, since I have an apartment, is my living room, but it's also usually totally possible to set up a comfy corner in your room that's not your bed, and have that be where you move to when it's Awake Time.
I had a similar sleep pattern to you early in the summer. This might be entirely unhelpful, but what changed things for me was moving to a different apartment that had no window blinds. My old bedroom had blackout shades, so it was pitch-dark even at high noon on a cloudless day. I'd never connected "my room is dark when I wake up" to "I can't get out of bed once I'm awake" until I moved to the new apartment, which, as I said, doesn't have any window coverings. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper, but the sunlight wakes me up--and it's a more gradual wakeup than an alarm. Instead of being unceremoniously dragged out of slumber, I slowly gain consciousness over a period of 30-50 minutes as the room gets brighter. By the time I know I have to get up, the room is very bright and I'm already mostly woken up and feeling ready to start the day. Again, this might be supremely unhelpful, but I thought I'd share what's worked for me.