why are these animals weird?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by thegrimsqueaker, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    a thread for any kind of animal weirds!

    I'll begin:

    my cat, Abby, and my sister's dog, Hanners, are bffsies. they play together all the time

    the only time they don't play is at night, when my sister has to bring Hanners into her room for the night, bc this stupid dog gets separation anxiety and tears up the couch if she's left out at night. only, Abby gets upset bc she suddenly doesn't have her playmate, so she spends the night batting her paw under my sister's door, which both amuses Hanners and pisses off my sister's cat, Anya.

    we've yet to find a pet configuration that allows anyone to actually sleep at night @________@
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  2. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    A silly cow.
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  3. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    yo, cows are actually really weird when they want to be. (they're also stubborn and mean af)
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  4. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    One of the cats I live with (belongs to my housemate/landlord, I rent a room) squeaks. She's just squeaky. Happy to see you? Squeaks. Wants food? Squeaks. Wants to play? Squeaks. Woken up? Squeaks. Picked up? Boy does she ever squeak.

    This isn't terribly odd, but there's just so much squeaking and she's so cute. This kills the nb.
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  5. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    AH I love squeaky cats. My parent's cat Tenchi is a squeaky one, especially when moved from his favorite place on the couch.
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  6. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    My dog's favourite hobby is stalking the cat. If she's sitting on a table, he will sit under it for as long as she's there. She's sitting on my mum? He'll sit behind her chair and stare at her back. She's in my room? He'll lie outside my door all day making put upon sighing noises.

    Please get a life, pupper
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  7. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    Deer in the back yard nibble at the tree bits they like. Baby runs out babbling constantly, making all kinds of noise, and they look at her and go back to nibbling. They even let her run up and pet them as she babbles about how they have bad breath and need their fur washed. They even lick the sweat from her face and chest.
    Anyone else even opens the door - poof, they suddenly have another place to be. Sorry, small noise maker, gotta go.
    Baby says it's because she doesn't stink like people (can't tolerate anything scented, so even her soap is completely free of the chemicals used to make things 'unscented').
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  8. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    one of my dad's dogs regularly forgets how doors work. every time this happens, she ends up standing at the open door w whoever opened it trying to coax her in while she looks confused and heartbroken bc she tried to come in earlier when the door was closed and it didn't work and now what do?

    it's actually really sad to watch
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  9. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I went to an agricultural high school, I have lots of weird animal stories
    for instance, I once helped groom a golden retriever pup, who when his owner was trying to remove him from the car for washing, took off and attempted to befriend our cows.

    there was also the Universe's Cutest Pitbull, who kept getting everyone soaked by flopping on them for snuggles before we could finish drying her.

    and then there's my own pets.
    artie the mouse climbs to the top of his cage and hangs upside down when he wants me to give him treats.
    back when I had a dog, she ate carrots and got her tiny head stuck in stuff all the time.
    my cat could open doors.
    my other cat could beat up turkeys. that cat was crazy.
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  10. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I told this story in the pet stories thread, but one of my parents' dogs learned the days of the week.

    Turkeys are mysteriously invisible to both my parents' dogs. :::PPP
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  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    My cat Snickers enjoys chasing her tail. Pocket will climb right on your shoulders and goes crazy for seaweed or spinach. Romeo is a huge bigcat but thinks he's a baby and tries to suckle my chest.
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  12. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    @emythos pit bulls are the snuggliest dogs ever. there's one I knew that would just knock me down and flop on top of me for belly rubs <3333333

    @LadyNighteyes smart doggies! we once had a dog who knew how to use the light switches, so she'd herd one of us into our parents' bedroom every day around 2 and make us nap w her

    @blue my cat just got caught in a coat hanger, and since being freed has decided to do epic battle against a hair tie

    edit bc haven't seen the pibble in a few years ;~;
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
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  13. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    gosh I love them so much, they're so CUTEEEEEE <3
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  14. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    I have a cat that is obsessed with bread.

    The first major incident: grocery store nearby had miraculously gotten challah. I didn't drive at the time, and that was literally the first time I had ever seen challah in bike range. Got a bag of challah rolls. Brought them home. Enjoyed them. Fast forward to the day I got to the last roll. I went to work and planned on making some sort of fancy toasted-bun sandwich with it for dinner, maybe even going nuts and turning it into French toast. I got home to find that Shorty had somehow dragged the bag containing my last precious challah roll off the counter, tore it open, pulled the roll out, ate one bite, and then apparently spent the afternoon batting it around the living room.

    From then on, if I happened to throw a stale heel away, shortly thereafter I'd hear rustling in the kitchen and find Shorty dragging it out of the trash. If I forget about my weird bread-obsessed cat and throw a stale heel away before I go to work, I come home to find the bag on the floor and the heel somewhere in the living room minus a single cat-sized bite.

    If I throw an empty bread bag away, she pulls it out of the trash and sticks her face in it to huff bread smells. The other day I got back from the grocery store, put my bags down, put one bag of stuff away, heard rustling, and caught her just in time to keep her from tearing into my brand new loaf of asiago swirl bread. There was a pouch of cat treats in the same bag. Zero fucks given about those, she wanted the bread.

    She doesn't care about catnip. She doesn't even care much about other people food. WHY BREAD
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  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    my parents have two havanese dogs. for those of you who dont know what those look like, imagine a greyish-black mop, only that it has legs and a snout. but if they lie down, they look like a mop.
    now, one of the two, annika, can not only play mop, but she also likes to walk on her hind legs.
    and she speaks. last i knew, the only discernible word was "ruff", which she 'says' when she wants up (on someone's lap, onto the bed, etc) - and it's phonetically very close to 'rauf', which is the german word for 'up'. she also begrudges every little thing rico (the other havanese) gets.
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  16. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    @Lerxst I had a good laugh, ty for sharing. I had a cat who likes dorito crumbs, and another who would eat little bits of bread if they were small enough. Never one that took BITES of bread, though. XD
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  17. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    She takes ONE BITE and then it's like "oh yeah, this doesn't taste as good as it smells, nvm"

    Here's a really weird one--her predecessor Spazz was a chocolate fiend. Yes, a cat. Went absolutely ballistic over chocolate. Didn't like any other people food. But if you opened up a candy bar or an Otis Spunkmeyer muffin he was ALL OVER YOU. Even when he was old and lazy, unwrap a hershey kiss and he'd go bonkers. He'd pull wrappers out of the trash and lick the melted bits off. What the hell? I thought cats couldn't even taste sweet things.
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  18. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    one of my cats plays fetch. she's better at it than my dog was, & she kinda yells at you if you don't throw the ball for her to her satisfaction (aka 'every day, all day, whenever she wants').
    the other cat has a Thing for sauce. any sauce. she will eat: salad dressing, soup, chili sauce, bbq sauce of any kind, literally anything that is edible, vaguely liquidy & we let her get close to. wtf cat.
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  19. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    My rat Beans likes to bite my nipple. I don't know how she finds it through my shirt. I've joked that if I knew I would have named her after Madam Hooch.
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  20. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Photo on 7-16-16 at 10.20 AM.jpg
    this is ravioli the cat. she loves boxes. and bellyrubs.
    she is the chillest cat, you can do anything as long as you pet her.
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