Hi! welcome back to me, hi me how's it going so previously I had this thread from 2015 but that was a billion years ago and it's been a long time, and I'm thinking about phasing back into this forum instead of lurking, so I figured an official re-entry thread would do me fine. SO: about me they/them critter who lives in a teeny tiny apt in the PNW (that's the pacific northwest, or "the rainy bit" for you non-americans) Polya, kinky, d&d within reasonable limits, hate puzzles and refuse to care about which way you put the tp on the tp holder co-own a stupid little black cat named Moishe (l'shana tova yall), love pigeons (am getting a tattoo of one soon), think grackles are neat i do art (acrylics, watercolor, tiny book binding), i like to petsit, and i recently quit my fuckin job to go to amazon where they match my 401k and i don't have to do 99% of the DEI work on my own time. got a lotta feelings I'm working through there but honestly the only jobs I'm not bitter about are the physical labor ones on that sweet sweet lexapro, i'm probably autistic or adhd or both, got fucky joints disease (diagnosed, even, mostly because my ankle tendon is fucked), taking testosterone (i found ONE [1] chest hair this week and I'm ecstatic) and I have a top surgery consult in november, so I can be a resource about that stuff currently questing for a place to talk about polya stuff that isn't in areas where my partner (and asst people i'm dating/have crushes on) is, just to keep my immediate feelings sequestered in places he doesn't have to work through before I can rephrase them, so if we got a thread, link me, I need to relate to people that aren't my parents. that's probably it! in the past i've had wacky conflict reactions but in the past i haven't been medicated/worked on a bunch of communication shit in my real life, so I am optimistic about not burning myself out this time round. hi new friends, hi old friends
*vibrates in hyperfixation* (i haven't done anything tinier than turning a threadfic into a book, because there are so many giant stories screaming at me to book them up, but I still get very excited when I learn that anyone I know is doing anything with bookbinding, and tiny books are so cool)
hey hey yall! what's good? what's happening? they've been really helpful in terms of managing my raging adhd at work, lemme see if i remember how to attach photos here
Been hyperfocusing on my writing, got a girlfriend, am too happy to contain. Do you have resources for book binding? I took a class but it was a decade ago and also during Trauma Time so I don't remember shit.
Ohhhh, those look so cool!!!!! I've been mostly focused on fanfic and webnovels, but I badly want to get into tiny books sometime soon! *VIBRATION INTENSIFIES* Spoiler: long? Okay, so, first off, I'm on a bookbinding discord (emphasis on fanbinding, other stuff included, some people who design books through lulu, all skill levels, lots of amateurs). Membership is open to anyone over 18 who isn't an anti, just hmu by private message if anyone wants an invite. It's been fantastic for inspiration and resources and bouncing ideas off each other. I made like four......? books on my own before I got invited, and it energized me like WHOA. I haven't been through the resources channel in depth, but mainly because there's a lot in there. Now, I will try to be short-winded The people who run that discord also have a tumblr, renegadepublishing, which mainly reblogs pretty books, but includes a resources tab on the side. ArmoredSuperHeavy (a wonderful person) put together a step-by-step for typesetting and binding a fic, but it's not a tutorial I've ever personally followed. I started off with sealemon's youtube channel. I like her a lot for like.... a very approachable feel, it didn't intimidate me out of trying things like some of the pro-type channels. It was a good primer for the basics and some fun decorative techniques. I followed her guide for my first casebinding, and for a few more after that. These days, I often haunt DAS bookbinding, he's very much a fan favorite. He's a lovely australian gentleman who knows SO many interesting things and has so much fancy equipment, but also does lots of more basic tutorials too. Once I sat down and flipped through his introduction to casebinding videos, I had a much better grasp of what I was doing and why I was doing it. I'm still not as rigorous as him, but he's great for overviews of optional topics like bradel binding, oxford hollows, etc. He has more videos on things like making a pamphlet or printing a document, but I've never really dug into those too hard. I am going to cut myself off there, I think. If someone is starting from a total beginner place, I recommend SeaLemon, and if they already kind of know what they're doing, DAS bookbinding. Sometimes there are niche topics like repairing books, or perfect binding, where I'm starting to recognize other channels like annesi bindings, but I haven't dug in far enough to tell how useful they are. And the discord is a lovely place in general, I like it a lot.
oh hell yeah, nice! my only bookbinding resource is just one hour long bookbinding YouTube video I watched two years ago, everything is just me testing stuff out
about me: said i was coming back, totally fuckn stalled out anyway so i definitely for sure have adhd inattentive type. im gonna make a thread that ISNT just a vent thread?? i think UHM also if anyone has a…discord server hookup lemme know? i miss people but im not sure how to reenter society lmao