Sorted out any damaged items from my underwear drawer and am washing and folding the rest, going to do the rest of my clothes too and see if I can get rid of enough items that they actually fit in my storage space again. I end up collecting too many things.
I cooked, tidied, did a load of washing and showed the neighbour how to feed the cats while I'm away for a couple nights next week (zoo roadtrip, baby!) I was very nearly a normal person today!
Fixed my sink. As so many times before, I must once again say thank you to the vast library of wisdom that is 8-year-old how-to videos on Youtube by the least charismatic men who have ever lived.
This is what my dad exclusively uses youtube for lmao Also as for my productive thing, I did a small task for one of my professors even though I'm sick, but not so big a task that it would harm my recovery or anything
Cleaned the stove and counters off. Also put the dishes away. I've also made sure to actually have multiple meals today. Which I need to keep track on because I tend to not eat...
Mailed my representative a friendly reminder to oppose KOSA! Senators to follow once my hand is rested.
I did some grocery shopping, and I repotted two plants and I made enough food for my next couple of meals (and I also melted the bottom of a tupperware container, but we're not talking about that right now)
Nothing yet today, but yesterday I got my friend's gifts to her and made her and my sisters chicken curry!
I helped my parents clear out their fridge and pantry because they're getting a new dishwasher, fridge and freezer and they're all located in the utility room that needs to be relatively clear by tomorrow so all their new stuff can be placed :D
I cleaned off the table in the dining area and dusted. Then I inventoried, cleaned and organized my pantry!
Replaced the nosepads on my glasses. And then, since I'd had to buy a repair kit for that, I finally got around to properly fixing the hinges. (Then popped the lenses out to clean the inside of the frames. And replaced all of the screws.)