Absence thread

Discussion in 'That's So Meta!' started by hoarmurath, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    I'm not away exactly, but I'm going through one of my yearly hermitude cycles where social things with more than one person at any given time is like standing at the window and tossing spoons an the rest of the cutlery out of it.
  2. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I...am moving to california tomorrow!
    for NCCC, which promises to be pretty intensive and busy, so hopefully i'll be able to have a good estimate of free time once i get settled.
    I'm not sure if i'll take a vacay from here or if i will just be on less, but if you gotta get in touch with me, i would go with skype
  3. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I return!
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  4. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    im probably gonna be fucking off of kintsugi more or less for a while just to get my life in order nbd [thumbs up emoji] tumblr is thegreatratsby if u wanna get in touch or s/t
    (also if aviari sees this: i will be fucking off kintsugi but ill still check up on the time pirate stuff, just not gonna forum-ify a whole lot)
  5. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Will still be around, but I may be a bit scarce for a couple weeks on account of holidays with family.
  6. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I'll be scarce from New Year's Eve to January 3rd, because of A. SacAnime Winter and B. my girlfriend visiting. I likely won't be in the Skype chat at all, and my posting here will likely be infrequent too.
  7. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    have fun!
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  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I will have ALL THE FUN. All of it.
  9. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    I'm going on a short trip to the mountains today to spend New Years Eve with some friends. I should have internet access but won't be on much anyways, and who knows how good the access is. I'll be back around the third of Jan.
  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I'll be only available in short bursts and maybe not at all for ten days from the 25ths of jan onwards as i am getting the big rheuma eval at the day clinic
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  11. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Taking an unexpected vacation from the forums until thursday-ish, on account of my laptop battery is dead and my power cord is kaput.
    @Arxon: will get that dnd blog-rec post to you when my computer comes back from the war.
    Also @whimsicalobservant @An Actual Bird @KarrinBlue @Moss if you don't hear from me by Friday, assume no game this weekend.
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  12. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I'll be mostly absent from March 21st to March 28th (I think those are the dates), since my girlfriend and I are going to SoCal together! I might be online the evening of the 26th, since she has longstanding plans with some other friends that evening (and sadly, the concert they're attending sold out a long time ago, so I can't come along--we checked), but otherwise I'll probably be preoccupied.
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  13. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    the last few nights have led me to believe my internet is going to start being poopy and keep cutting in and out and generally driving me up the wall around 6:30 - 7:30 every night so i'll probably disappear around that time till the next day (unless i don't get on the next day, it happens) so if anyone's trying to get ahold of me at night my time (whatever time it is for you as of posting this it's nearly 8 pm for me and i've been fighting my connection since 7ish) that's why i'm not responding.
  14. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I've been pretty busy and not able to handle any of my RP stuff especially; @IvyLB if ya'll need me for Spinel it might be best to grab a hold of me on Skype to let me know.

    (Hex is [hold music] for a bit, sorry ya'll)
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  15. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I'm going on an exchange to Quebec from Manitoba!
    I am kinda low key flipping the fuck out right now, and don't want to go to bed.
    Leaving tomorrow, tomorrow is the flight day, my partner should have wifi (I can't see how she wouldn't, she's been emailing me) so I will probably check in in the evenings, but I am also going to be supremely exhausted. So not much oomph from me in anything I post.

    Ah shit I'm kinda panicky now. This and the packed bag makes it realer.
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  16. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    whoa, neat! have fun!
    • Like x 1
  17. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Friends! Acquaintances! Kintsugijin! I am travelling today until June 6th. I will be on and off, but if I am busy/I am not responding to messages/I am needed but you can't find me, this is probably why.
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  18. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Visiting grandparents till sunday, likely won't be around much until then.
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  19. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Out of town this weekend, too, see y'all monday evening.
  20. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i'm not necessarily going anywhere but i will probably not be posting very much in the near future. hopefully things will be back to business as usual soon, but until then, no worries, i am not dead in a ditch, just spoonless and preoccupied (⋈ó◡ò)
    • Like x 2
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