Hi, all. I'm Quicksilver. Math/science nerd, ladyperson, general anime/video game fandom geek. Tumblr Old (in my thirties) and a professor. I'm going to be pretty cagey about my current location as I'm pre-tenure and the last thing I want is people at my tenure meeting talking about Quicksilver's Thoughts On Yaoi. I'm kind of socially awkward, and as a result of this there is a 50% chance that I will make a flurry of posts here for the next few weeks and then abruptly disappear when I decide I've made too much of an awkward ass of myself. ^_^;;; But for now, I'm here on account of LadyNighteyes, who kept talking about the awesome threads she's participated in. And after browsing the public threads I figured people seemed pretty cool and more laid back than Tumblr.
Hello fellow lady-person math/science nerd! I'm more on the science than math side, but I respect math and even enjoy it sometimes. I see you're a professor, would you mind if I asked generals about it? I'm in grad school at the moment and really leaning towards the teaching side of things (when I went in thinking "Research!!"). If you do mind, please don't feel at all hesitant to say so! I don't want to push your boundaries.
Thanks! Mercury's actually a handle I've used elsewhere, so I've already had a few "???? but I didn't post that ????" moments, seeing your name on the boards. =P Hopefully I won't be inflicting the same brief confusions on you! Feel free! I'm at a SLAC (Small Liberal-Arts College), so I'm one of the folks who wound up going the teaching route. Feel free to ask in-forum or PM me, whichever. :)