" Yeah, then I would have had to pay more for her." Evelyn quips, sitting down next to Morrigan and putting a hand on her shoulder.
Evelyn widens her eyes like a child with it's hand caugh in a cookie jar. " uhhh... it's inside cage now."
"No... I wanted to put it in the dumpster, but cage insisted." Evelyn huffs out and crosses her arms.
Freddie nods, and heads out the door, calling while he's still in the hallway. "Cage, I need you to open up so I can take a look at whatever that thing was-" He stops on the threshold of the hall where it leads to the living room and kitchen, staring at Lee and Corrie. ".............you didn't think to tell me there were more people here, Evelyn?"
"Eh, whatever, they're getting into the learnin' things stuff anyway," Martin shrugs, having slipped back towards the kitchen to put snacks on the table in preparation for 'a talk'.
Corrie seems remarkably incurious about the meaning of "open up". Maybe people will assume it's because she's fretting over Lee. "I'm starting to wonder how much you guys can really blame on anyone walking in on anything," she says mildly.
The man breathes, slowly, scanning Lee and Corrie. "...well, you're a dead woman walking and he's..." Fred stares. "...well. You know what, I'm not going to figure that one out. But there's a very high correspondence of 'once you run into one weird thing, you start running into them nonstop'. It's basically the Murphy's Law of the supernatural. With the corollary of 'and some of those things will try to murder you'."
...excuse you, new guy, does Lee look like he needs to hear about things trying to kill him right now? Corrie's mildness palpably cools several degrees. "Is anyone else going to be joining our flash mob?" she calls out in Kristoph's direction.