I am definitely aiming for NaNo this year! Last year was the first year I "won," although I'm not sure it counts since it was a collab project with @Anomal(eee) totaling 100k instead of a solo 50k. Doing a solo novel this year and hoping it actually works instead of bogging down in the first week.
I am at this moment attempting to unfuck all of the notes I had crammed into an old weekly planner notebook so I can have them in the NaNo tag on my writing blog. It's technically something I've already started, but I'm not counting any existing words as part of the 50k. I love the project and just haven't made it a priority to write, so here's hoping NaNo will give me the kick in the pants I need to get it moving again.
I have started writing a fic. I need a goal and a deadline or it will never actually get written. I guess I'm in for NaNo!
I've spectacularly failed Nano every time I tried it, but hey I'm not doing anything else so this year I'm going to go for a half. 25 000 words. Not necessarily all the one fic, either.
While I've never succeeded at NaNo, I've had a lot of fun getting part of the way there in the past, and I'm currently trying to make writing more of an established habit. Law school means I can't possibly make 50K, but as my partner is going to do the whole thing, I'm going to leech off her motivation and try my best to have a whole working outline of a project I've spent way too long sitting on! There's going to be a write-in in Chicago that takes place entirely on the el train in a couple weeks, which I think is going to be just hilarious amounts of fun :D
My previous "attempts" at NaNo have been abject failures (as in, <1K). Imma try again! I've got an idea I like, and pretty much anything would be an improvement over last year, so why not?
I did nano last year and since I kind of actually want to make it a Polished Novel I think I'm going to be editing for most of November
I haven't won yet, and I keep trying too hard to write epic fantasy novel based in my long-term work building project despite it being very very piecemeal in a lot of ways. This year... I'm gonna try writing self-indulgent angsty Undertale fic. :p Much smaller worldbuild (haha) rife with things for me to reference, and I've been rping Papyrus for a year.
I'm Frinn over there! I'm gonna continue my tradition of using NaNo to attempt fanfic with an actual ending instead of bitty character pieces :P Haven't won yet, but I've been getting closer every year!
i'm belcapricorn on there (of course) and idk if i'll be able to win but i'm going to get as much done as possible anyway
Got 2.7k words done and making myself stop so I don't burn out. Didn't really think I'd be able to do it! But I am, I'm writing it, it's flowing, aaaAAAA