shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Sombra

    Sombra Everything can be hacked... and everyone. | 18+

    Did I say that? What, have you met Reaper and his obsession with punching toasters?

  2. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    Ohhhh...They've brainwashed my darling Fareeha and this dashing stranger and her lovely hair. Oh no...

    -falls to knees dramatically-

    Those dirty omnic bastards.
    • Like x 1
  3. Refractor of Vos

    Refractor of Vos More Than Meets The Eye | 18+

    Plug'n'Play is very retro :P
    • Like x 4
  4. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    Yes I believe a "Reaper" was visiting earlier.
  5. Bastion

    Bastion Nature-loving omnic with PTSD

    01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01011011 00110101 01010101 01010000 00110011 01010010 00100000 01000010 00110000 00110000 01010000 00110011 01010010 00100000 01001000 00110100 01000011 01001011 00110011 01010010 00100000 01000111 00110000 01000100 01000100 00110011 01010011 01010011 01011101 00100001 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01100011 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00111111 00111111 00111111 00111111
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  6. Fareeha-Amari

    Fareeha-Amari Security chief

    -sighs heavily as she looks down at her mother-
  7. Sombra

    Sombra Everything can be hacked... and everyone. | 18+

    That is an interesting skill! I would love to see how it works, both in your software and your hardware... Hm, perhaps like a Bastion unit?

    An angry old man, that's what he is. He doesn't know how to get with the times, doesn't understand that friends are more important than enemies.
    • Like x 1
  8. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Some people are I think? But nah generic species name we transform so we're transformers I'm not letting go of my buddy here to prove it.


    Well now. That's a better welcome than we got from the other guy. You've got a decent paint job for a squishy yourself ;D

    [He turns his head to kiss her finial, grinning. Going for her cheekbones in public would be cheating and also rude, but dammit she's cute and he may as well get on her good side while he can.]

    Cap. Cap no.

    Oh hey porn guy get through that stuff from Libre yet?
    • Like x 3
  9. Sombra

    Sombra Everything can be hacked... and everyone. | 18+

    Well, of course! Your programming makes you quite the friend.
  10. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    My daughter is engaged to a nice Swiss doctor, you. Back.
  11. Fareeha-Amari

    Fareeha-Amari Security chief

    I am engaged? This is news.
    • Like x 1
  12. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    What does your spawn have to do with blasting my audials out
  13. Ana-Amari

    Ana-Amari Team grandmother and tea afficianado

    You will not tempt her with your vile robotic eyebrow waggles is what it has to do with that. Nor will you disturb the wedding with guns and violence! I loath both of those things!
  14. Refractor of Vos

    Refractor of Vos More Than Meets The Eye | 18+

    not letting squishie interface with Refractor.
    Dat's Nasty.
    • Like x 3
  15. Fareeha-Amari

    Fareeha-Amari Security chief

    -giggle snorts about the robot's confusion. she is still ana's daughter deep down and that means being a meany-

    It is good that Angela has such wonderful non-robotic eyebrow waggling then, yes? Assuming that my surprise engagement is binding.
    • Like x 2
  16. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    [She makes a content little noise that sounds a little like a dial-up modem]
    Why Venture should I be jealous? :P
  17. Sombra

    Sombra Everything can be hacked... and everyone. | 18+

    Thank you, my dear robotic lifeform! This is actually part of my camo.

    That's kink-shaming. I meant it more in the 'scientific curiosity' way and less in the 'hump it' way.
    • Like x 4
  18. Fareeha-Amari

    Fareeha-Amari Security chief

    I think my mother is flirting, honestly. It is always hard to tell. I am quite content with what is likely to be my wife now.
  19. 707

    707 lol


    I don't know what you're talking about lolol
  20. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Of course not dear captain! You are simply irreplaceable. [He drops another few tiny kisses up the line of that finial, grinning.]

    Clearly you're not doing science right. Hump it for science.

    Even if fleshy-fragging is nasty :P

    Whoa there what. How about no. Why. Why this.

    ...about your carrier flirting I mean not the prospective conjunx congrats on that count!
    • Like x 2
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