kintsugi IN SPACE

Discussion in 'Kintsugi In Space' started by wes scripserat, May 8, 2015.

  1. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

    Do we have a calendar? Do we know what the day/night cycle is? Moon/planet phases? Kintsugi's not tidally locked to Plenet, is it?

    Who's doing the reference work for the locations and stuff?

    I just started the timeline, but there's not much on it yet. I thought this thread should have a link to it.

    Will there ever be threads where we do space exploration? Because that would probably be fun but maybe we should have more worldbuilding first?

    Do we have people to play the sentient buildings? Or what?
  2. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Not yet!

    We haven't given much thought to it yet. Since nearly all moons in Sol system are tidally locked, I'd say Kintsugi would be too, and thus the day-night cycle is as long as an orbit. I'd say a Proper Kintsugi Day is about three Earth days (similar to Europa), and people would tend to separate that into three-ish sleep cycles, and go indoors and dim the lights when it's time to sleep. Every now and then, you'd get a Plenet eclipse (I'd say Plenet is big enough in the sky to cover both suns at once), and maybe at night you'd be able to see Kintsugi transits of Plenet as a shadow on its surface.

    I dunno.

    Thanks! Good timelining prevents confusing continuity.

    Sure there will, and I dunno if I've gone into enough detail about the various pieces of the Kintsystem, but I did leave a lot of it open to interpretation and general fuzziness, so people can go define it as they see fit!

    Well, for all their sapience, they're kinda passive and reactive and predictable (usually), so I dunno if someone needs to specifically roleplay what they do.

    (Note: I have barely ever RP'd, at all, so if I have provided a set of non-answers, someone who is competent and Knows Things can step up to the plate)
    • Like x 1
  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I was actually gonna suggest that if you feel up to it you could try to figure out a calender system thingy, snitch, since you seem to be able to make a lot of worldbuilding relatively fast and with super great internal coherence?

    so currently we are assuming a 72 hour day and probably different number of days per year.
    I would suggest to find a regularly occuring space-event for 'months' so we have something not quite arbitrary to abse those on? Idk if Plenet eclipses would be suitable for that or if we need somethign like the other moons entering the night sky or a comet or what
  4. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Aah thanks! Let me see...

    It has already been established that Plenet is further out from the suns than Earth, and Jupiter's orbital period is around 12 years, so a year of approximately 12 Earth years, divided into 72-hour days, which gives us 1460 Kintsugi Days per Kintsugi Year. Assuming that a Kintsugi Official Month is 10 K-days long, that's 146 K-months (and a K-day) per K-year, which is pretty decently long.

    They decided early on that a decade was too long a time period to call a "year", so every 12 and a bit months there's a new "year". Each year is numbered, starting with Year 0 when the first settlers of Kintsugi landed. Around about 5 PSS (Pre-Settlement-Settling) is when the rights to settle the system were acquired, and about halfway through 1 ASS (After-Settlement-Settling) is when most of the infrastructure had been created, and there was finally air in the smaller domes within the Great Wall of Nope. Year 0 does not have a suffix, because it's a liminal year.
    Each year has a name, which is voted on by the populace in the year-end meeting, with the intent of being topical to the year that has just happened. Voting involves a good deal of friendly flame wars, electioneering, gerrymandering, outright bribery and downright silliness. The only rules are that no two years can be called the same thing and that vulgarity is only funny in moderation.

    The galactic standard of years doesn't quite line up with Kintsugi years, but the abundance of personal computers means that the conversion is pretty quick and easy, and anyway every civilisation has its own standard, so what's the problem with another one?

    I dunno where in time we want the RP stuff to be set, maybe somewhere around 4-6 ASS, or possibly even later.
    • Like x 6
  5. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    I laughed at ASS I am mature adult
    • Like x 4
  6. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

    You just ninja'd me, I was writing something and the alert for this came up. I guess will go with what you said, but this is what I was saying:

    Ok. 72-hour days. That's 36 hours of daytime and 36 hours of nighttime.

    One transit around their sun, um, if Plenet is basically Jupiter then it's more than 11 years. We could round it to 12 Earth years to make it easier to calculate. That'd be 1460 Kintsugi Days per Kintsugi Year.

    In the Kintsugi solar system map, I see two moons next to each other. It looks almost like you heard we liked moons so much you put a moon in orbit around our moon so we could moon while we... uh...? So we could compare Kintsugi's moon-moon (can we name it Moon Moon, please?) to Charon, and Charon and Pluto do their thing in more than 3 Earth days and less than 4 Earth days. Let's round up instead of down, so Moon Moon is 3/4 done with one orbit after 1 Kintsugi Day. Then after 1 more Kintsugi Day, Moon Moon went 1.5 times. Then after 1 more day, Moon Moon went around 2.25 times. Then after 1 more day, Moon Moon went around 3 times. So it takes 4 Kintsugi Days for Moon Moon to sync back up. (That's 12 Earth Days.) There are exactly 365 Moon Moon Months in a Kintsugi Year. I think we should have something longer than Moon Moon Months.Maybe 2 MMMonths to a 30-Earth-day (4-Kintsugi-day) month? Maybe Moon Moon's orbits should be weeks instead? Or fortnights? (They're onl 24 hours off from being fortnight-length, riht?

    And that's where I was when you posted yours.
    • Like x 2
  7. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    I am happy to oblige all your ASS needs.
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  8. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    I think it was intentional, and of COURSE it's called Moon Moon.
    • Like x 7
  9. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Petition for 1 ASS to be called "year of the donkey"
    • Like x 6
  10. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

    You know, I just realized a 10 K-Day month is also a 30 E-Day month is also two Moon Moon orbits. I think we accidentally the same calendar?

    How many days are your ASS years? If you wanted to use 365 K-Days they'd fit 4 to one of Plenet's orbits and they'd be 3 Earth years. I think that fits really neatly. But that's a lot longer than 12 K-Months.
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  11. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    ASS years are human-Earth devised, so I think I set them up to be ~360 Earth-ish days.
    • Like x 1
  12. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

    360 Earth days is exactly 12 Kintsugi months. Can we go with that?
    • Like x 1
  13. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Sure! That sounds reasonable, and it divides by things nicely.
    • Like x 1
  14. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

  15. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    every time i come back to this thread I am filled with utter joy. @Snitchanon, @mysubaccount, you guys just make me smile so so much.
    • Like x 1
  16. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

  17. mysubaccount

    mysubaccount (Not) A Catboy

    Ok. 72-hour days. One transit around their sun, um, if Plenet is basically Jupiter then it's more than 11 years. We could round it to 12 Earth years to make it easier to calculate. That'd be 1460 Kintsugi Days per Kintsugi Year.

    Edit: I didn't make this post on purpose???

    Edit again: I think it had something to do with the saved draft? Why can't I get rid of those anyway?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
  18. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @mysubaccount - on the formatting bar at the top of the draft window, there's a floppy disk icon. if you click on it, you can select "delete draft". :)
    • Like x 2
  19. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    @Kaylotta Always happy to oblige with worldbuilding!
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Let it be known that I laugh cried so hard I disturbed my mom's shitty crime show time when I read the phrase Moon-Moon-Months
    bless y'all
    • Like x 2
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