This probably isn't as valid as my brain says, or else I'm not expressing it well, but I keep thinking that species boundaries need to be taken into account more. For example, I'm pretty sure goblins should find elves as physically repulsive as the elves find the goblins, or else the goblins would never reproduce with other goblins, same with lizards and mammals. This mostly crops up in rapefics and I'm aware rape isn't about attraction, but the attitudes and dialogue depicted in fics often imply it is, which is its own problem but is especially annoying here. Doesn't really apply to anything in the real world because humans considered unattractive by the standards of another human culture are still humans. This especially doesn't work for me when one species is supposed to eat the other; even if they're sapient I feel it'd hit the bestiality squick button.
Even if they wouldn't think of another species as gross and ugly, they probably wouldn't think of their own as gross and ugly. And I've seen that crop up before, albeit more in original fiction than fanfic. Usually in narration description in third-person limited by an author who doesn't seem to recognize that using third-person limited means that what the narrative chooses to say and focus on reflects on the viewpoint character.
(Merry Gentry remains a fantastic series which actually does approach this a little, and I really liked that aspect of the goblins in it.)
It could make some sense if the "pretty" ones are rulers and the "ugly" ones have internalized their oppressors' standards of beauty?
Okay so it's been griped before but it can stand being griped about again. Romance fics where the major conflict is because NO ONE IS USING THEIR WORDS so they misunderstand things and bitch at each other and stalk out of the fucking house. I am only reading because this is the first fic I've seen in the Voltron fandom where it's a romance with one of the characters being asexual--and kinky. (It's a Klance. Keith has a thing for bloodplay and is the asexual person in question, he meets Lance who is a camboy who specializes in bloodplay.) Though even that may cause me to rage quit because again, NO ONE IS USING THEIR WORDS.
In the middle of reading a short fic about sleepy drunken cuddling, which I am 100% down for. It would have been perfect if not for... "silverette." (ETA: AND "PINKETTE" TOO ADOIJAWIOJSKL)
Movieverse legendarium is why I gave up on Tolkien fics entirely a long time ago. I don't care for many of the trends in it and I'm more into the book characterizations anyway. This makes me sad because while I love and adore the horrible academic side of the fandom they don't like... Go out and write fanfictions. ;-; i just want to find like a fic that is an in-universe paper about the existence of lesbians in elvish society or something. like it's about the words they use and the evolution of those words. and also its gay.
YES. Crapsack City, population: serial killers? Tell me moar! I have a fluff allergy, though I won't deny that I sometimes enjoy sticking my face in it anyway.
If you absolutely must phonetically write out an accent for whatever reason, fucking research the accent in question. What part of "yər" should be represented as "ya're" in northern Appalachian what is this bullshit. If you couldn't be assed to look up even a southern Appalachian reference (bc "southern US accent" is much easier to find than, say, "Ohioan") why are you even trying? "Ya're" just parses as like. Yarr. We're pirates now I guess???
... is this kingdom hearts? (first fandom that came to mind with both silver and pink haired characters)
haha, no - it was super dangan ronpa 2, actually (with "silverette" and "pinkette" being pekoyama and souda respectively >.>)
I am absolutely terrified by the mention of the movies because I do not want movieverse fic. At all. I mean language on the one hand but those movies...