shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Hlorri Lheill

    Hlorri Lheill obtenebrateBalatron, Witch of Heart

    =(] orders are afraid
    =(] i wou7dve s7aughtered my own 7usus if the grand highb7ood wi77ed it
  2. Itch


    no one evwer tells me IM pretty! get in line!!
  3. Scope

    Scope Operation: The Hills Have Eyes |18+

    You're beautiful and probably the love of my life. Okay, my turn now.
    • Like x 5
  4. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Sorry you've not reached the point I did, then!
  5. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    You are closer to mortality than my brother and I are. Your duty is much more flexible.
    [startled, somewhat offended noise.]
  6. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I mean, it's kind of sweet, right?
  7. Hlorri Lheill

    Hlorri Lheill obtenebrateBalatron, Witch of Heart


    =(] he wi77 notice me some day
    =(] and then he wi77 either 7ove me.......or hate me
    =(] they to7d me that i was too young for the 7aughsassins.......but 7ook where i am now?
    =(] no one can beat me on the i cant be too young for him
    =(] unti7 then.......i wi77 comp7ete any task that is asked of me
    =(] and i wi77 do so enthusiastica77y.......even if its one of those tasks im not rea77y comfortable doing
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
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  8. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    I was under the impression that most of my brother's creations do not have great love for him and do not miss him.
    Given what I have seen and heard from brother's worshippers I would rather not know in which way they are perverting his memory.
  9. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+) Good point. Want me to go deal with those someday, then? Knock some sense into them?
  10. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    If you wish to do so I will not stop you, but did you not just mention your distaste for such arrangements?
    [His voice is unusually gentle]
  11. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Ah! My apologies, I hadn't realized they had the grasping ability necessary for swordplay. Tailblades sound interesting, though! If I tried some external attachment it would likely get caught when I transform, but that is quiet the workaround! You have fine control over your tail, then? It is quite long...

    That it is possible for me to abandon my post does not mean I wish to.
  12. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    So this leaves me to conclude you derive enough amusement from your duty to engage in futile flailing no matter the inevitable destiny.
  13. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    ...How are you defining 'amusement'?
  14. Dragon Hanzo

    Dragon Hanzo The dragon awakens | 18+

    Indeed! I am very skilled with the blade, but I no longer use it. I am more into archery. That requires one's hands I fear, though I will freely admit that sometimes I just breathe lightning on my foes.
  15. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    Anything that improves upon "my spark continues to spin" as a mood.
    • Like x 2
  16. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    An innate weapon is still a weapon, after all.

    Hm. Then yes, by your definition I suppose the role I must play brings me some amusement.
  17. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    I am glad that you accept I am capable of being reasonable.
    • Like x 3
  18. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)


    Yeah. I just understand why it's so upsetting.
  19. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Hey! Why don't we go do something amusing for both of us, instead!
  20. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    I... don't think you would find watching the inside of a black hole particularly amusing.
    • Like x 2
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