Voice Meme Thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Aondeug, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    I want to see how you guys pronounce my name. The first name is phonetic. The second name is a mystery!
  2. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I keep meaning to do this but then I'm in the lab or somewhere equally unsuitable. Hmmm. Maybe I can do it tomorrow morning.
  3. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    I'm super glad people are including me, I love having a mystery name ^_^

    It looks like I can't use vocaroo bc mobile, but i'll type a couple of names here

    • Aondeug I pronounce like A-on-dug, or EH-on-dug in Canada.
    • chaoticArbiter, I pronounce the way fae pronounces it, yay ^_^
    • Ipuntya like I-punt-ya.
    • Palindromordnilap I pronounce Palindrome-palindrome because when I get used to reading things backwards I think them forwards, so... Yeah.
    • Emythos I pronounce like ee-MYTH-os or EE-MYTH-os - basically as if the Cthulhu Mythos were being sent through email.
    • Nertbugs I usually mispronounce as nert-bergs for some reason, like a ermagerd kinda thing I guess.
    • Uh, mostly I'm seeing common English words and phrases and common English names so probably no surprises... AIR-ick-uh and EV-err-it, for example
    • Lazarae as LAA (short A like in 'at' or 'happy') zuh-rai (like rye bread, or raichu)
    • Acey as ACE-ee
    • Sethrial MacCoill as SETH-ree-AL (Al like Albert, not like All) muh-CALL
    • Saro as SAH-row (as in rowboat), the way I would pronounce it if I suspected it were Japanese, which is also very similar to how I pronounce "sorrow"
    • rje I read as "R. J." like ARR-jay, or sometimes as ARR-jee instead for whatever reason
    • Oh, BlackholeKG, I always ignore the KG and just read it as the English word blackhole
    • Pumpkageist, I read as the word pumpkin getting interrupted by suddenly saying "a geist" bc the speaker in my brain is excited to see a ghost or poltergeist

    As for my own name, I once pontificated to Aon, so I'll c&p here:
    tl;dr: there are actually two 'official' pronunciations, one for me and the other for the character I originally constructed the name for. But unofficial pronunciations are welcome, and the ambiguity is intentional.

    PS @Ipuntya your voice is pretty!
    Also, it's really nice to hear so many people's voices!
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
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  4. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

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  5. Pumpkageist

    Pumpkageist Warning: I Shitpost

    That is adorable, and quite fitting- that's my reaction to ghosts, too.

    My family's hanging around, so I'm a bit too self-conscious to do the username pronunciation thing right now, but have something completely unrelated, instead.
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  6. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    Very close on the first name! It's All, not Al though. The second name is Ma-Quill. It's scottish nonsense.
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  7. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

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