look at a thing i made :3 Spoiler: img, spiders in my defense used wrapping paper is not ideal xd I had been wondering what was up with all the origami beetles, turns out there's a reason a new yorker article on Robert Lang. It cute
Oh man, I freaking love me some origami. Spoiler: Bunch of images of my creations A couple of christmases ago I made tiny things in baubles as presents for my friends. Pictured on the right is a tiny sushi thing. These bunnies live on my desk and watch over me while I procrastinate. Hippo! I have a whole herd of these in decreasing sizes. Lizard/gecko thing. Another Christmas one: Rudolph! (Though I cheated a bit with the antlers, shhhhh)
aaa the ball things are beautiful omg and so many cute animals! ...which reminds me that I was going to rec this fish tutorial
A pretty interesting documentary about both origami and origami-like technologies: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/origami-revolution.html
https://www.flickr.com/photos/133455908@N03/page1 I love this. i strongly approve of instagram filter'd terraza pics of origami dragons. also that lion's mane is so beautiful, and I love the goat's head and since i'm posting here: beth johnson's stylized origamis are also v good. http://bethjohnsonorigami.com/ look at them! so cute seconding the rec. Self-folding origami robots! it's also very visually satisfying e:removed dumb thing
Thread necromancy is acceptable from what I’ve heard, right? (If not, do direct me to the authorities) Because I've been making some things? Also debating if I should invest in one of those folding tool things if I'm going to be abusing my fingernails this much by making the modulars... (the red ball is WIP in the pic above, here's what it looks like now, feel old yet, etc)