The Food Porn Thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by jacktrash, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    post your droolbait here. you can link to source or recipes if you like, but it's not required.
  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'll go first, because i've been craving SO HARD:


    agedashi tofu. my love, my life.
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  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    did you know you can make bread pudding with pumpkin bread??


    i made bread pudding with whole wheat bread and eggnog and had it with maple syrup for breakfast, it was like the best, richest french toast. i thought nothing could be better. i was wrong. i NEED pumpkin bread pudding. need it.
  4. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

    Anything with pecans has me SOLD

    Even if I haven't gotten over the idea of sweet pumpkin yet. I guess that's what happens when your country calls all squash pumpkin.
  5. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    ...bump in the hope of seeing delicious fall goodies?
  6. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    not a fall goody, but i've been craving takoyaki so hard *0*


    it's basically octopus fried up in dough and covered in sauces and spring onion and i wannnnt
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  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    seebs and i have been eating a lot of egg rolls lately


    we made a double batch of filling so now we have to eat them every day to use it up OH NO SUCH HARDSHIP
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  8. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    That agedashi tofu looks so incredibly delicious.

    On a similar note, I've been craving really good ramen. Like almost any kind, but shoyu sounds the best.
    I'm in a place where I could actually get pretty good ramen, but I'm poor as fuck, so I'm stuck fancying up 69 cent ramen and pretending. Big sighs.
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    sldfgkjhdsfglkj CRAVE

    my favorite is kyushu style with the cloudy pork broth


    so rich and warming on a wintery day, ahhhhh
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  10. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

  11. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I have a pintrest board for recipes, and this one has been p popular the last week.
  12. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"


    Made rice cake soup last night! Here's a tteokguk recipe - not the one we used, but we've used a bunch of other recipes from Maangchi's site and they've all turned out well.
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  13. Kodachi

    Kodachi Well-Known Member

    I just found out Schlotzky's does gluten free sandwiches.
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  14. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Schlotzky's sandwiches never stood out to me as more or less wow than other sandwich places, but their pizzas... oooooooh my god I fuckin' love those pizzas so much I need them in my life more often but the closest Schlotzky's is a 45 minute drive :(
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    waaaah you made me want schlotzky's, i haven't had one of their sandwiches since we lived in south minneapolis. i used to get this toasted turkey-on-sourdough thing that was to die for. now i'm drooling.
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  16. Kodachi

    Kodachi Well-Known Member

    There's one at Southdale. Bit of a hike for you though.
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, that's the one i used to go to when we were in the southest of south minneapolis, almost to diamond lake. it wasn't such a trek then.
  18. Kodachi

    Kodachi Well-Known Member

    To the town of "Star Trekking":
    Food trekking across suburbia...

    Little punchy; didn't sleep last night. Came into work at 8:30 pm after finally getting some rest. This job is the best.
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  19. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    My roommates went to the State Fair last night, so now I have tiny fair donuts for breakfast! I'm not sure if these are staples of every fair, since I live in the Land of Frying Everything, but they're the only donuts I actually like - tiny, covered with cinnamon sugar, yellow dough, and almost melting in your mouth as you take a bite.
    1021160827 (1).jpg
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  20. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Oh gosh, that just reminded me that Seimer's farm has fresh pumpkin donuts this time of year and now I have a MIGHTY NEED.
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