LATE TO THE PARTY but I’m so freaking stoked. Finally got to watch the first one and I need the second one like I need air. Deadpool is my...
A series of texts from a number you don’t recognise, referencing things they’d only know if they were in the room with you.
Thank you! There’ll be a new one every day!
A mystery cult adorns its subterranean chapel with icons fashioned from every image file you've ever deleted; it is all they know of you.
...And the living shall know what the dead truly fear; the dark void that will swallow us all— oh. Sorry, what drink did you want with that?
Excellent to hear! I don’t know you, but I’m rooting for you.
Thank you very much!
Amazon / Books / Self-Help / Happiness / Followers Are Spiders Clinging To You: Sometimes You Must Walk Into The River To Save Yourself
The best and most soul-sucking that ever walked out of Vogue.
The various likes/other such things on my status updates and posts. In particular the status updates (that are mostly just random things I throw...
Me: “Oh, look! A fic tagged with just the semi-popular pairing I like! From a good author!” Me: /clicks on it with naïve optimism Fic: /absolutely...
Sure, the recent resurgence of popular voids from the 90’s has its critics, but it’s hard to deny that the bare mid-rift is a powerful look.
As I’ve been working with this idea some more, it’s really expanded to a larger cast that intended. For example, this following bit of rough...
Increasingly desperate Google search for “how many shadows should I have?”
Also: Regular weirdness will resume. I spam status updates. Because I think I’m creative or something.
Howls from your sponsor: “A Guide to Dark Places” status updates will continue in a different location. Prepare. You know what you did.
Welcome back!
“My tits are like Spider Man. With great power comes great responsibility.”
A Guide to Dark Places: An Anthology (a.k.a. A compilation of volume titles as they come.) A Guide to Dark Places, Vol I, Issue I: Back to Where...
Kintsugi is based on the premise that nothing anyone can do or say makes it okay to treat them like trash. By logging in, you affirm that you understand this to be the foundational premise of the community. More on our community philosophy here.
Separate names with a comma.