I have a little one over my left eye from being pushed into a car door when I was five, a nickel-sized one on my right knee from falling down the...
[SPOILER] @Vast Derp Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I was also :3 when I read your comment. And yeah, you're definitely responsible for the fact...
Helping little sister #2 edit a paper. Result: giggling over me accidentally saing "Leo da nardi" instead of "Leonardo da Vinci".
Took a message for my mom! Message reads: "wa wawa wa hydrangeas". The lady on the phone was talking kinda fast.
@Kaylotta Sounds a bit like my mom! She was raised Southern Baptist and, when I asked her about magic/witchcraft/etc. sometime in my teens, her...
My mom just insisted that we redo a farewell "with eye contact!" and then started giggling when we did. ("That's so uncomfortable!")
You should totally write that AU. I have a huge aversion to shows that use the reset button (I will almost, but not quite, literally foam at the...
Ooh! Haven't played WT, but I've heard of it since it's competition for World of Tanks, which I do play. The Hellcat's fun in WoT too, cause big...
Heh, I did something like that with my glasses not a month after I got them. I thought I set them down on a stack of papers on the table, but when...
Kitchens are not a great place to be if you're accident-prone or have a super-faulty autopilot, yeah.
I was trying to make a cup of tea. I put water into the electtic kettle and turned it on, so all I needed was a cup and a teabag. But I was...
Our oldest (current) cat is Paisley, matriarch of the cat family. She had six kittens, but we only have one of them still and he's all grown up!...
I was raised Christian in various mostly-Protestant denominations and I never actually encountered the Sinner's Prayer that I recall, but yeah,...
Heh. What can I say, my brain thinks that making holes is entirely too decisive an action. Even though I know pierced ears can heal back up, I...
@EulersBidentity Huh, Anglican Churches that are actually trying-to-be-Roman-Catholic Churches must be more of a thing than I knew? I and my...
@albedo Not gonna lie, my favourite bit of church history is the part where Santa Claus punches Arius in the face at the Council of Nicea in 325...
@Fish butt https://kintsugi.seebs.net/threads/stories-about-pets.561/ <-- Pet thread! I'll post some more pics soonish.
@Fish butt Are you me, I love the way earrings look but somehow the idea of poking holes in my ears is just not super appealing (also both my mom...
Oh, wow, I remember that submission! (I also follow Seebs' tumblr.) Congrats on getting out, and welcome to the forum. Edit: Wait, no, I totally...
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